II In a Closet II Seyel el'then

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Hello! Sorry about this but I have to add a bit to the story since it wouldn't make sense. Go with it, it's for the plot. You're a person from Indus (Modern day India). Your description I kinda have to edit for you (lol sorry about that but it needs to be done on this one). You have fair skin completion with Chesnut color hair with Carmel highlights that blend into your hair. Eyes are hazel. Once again I did this because of the plot, no worries you can pick the name.. kinda... xD. Your last name is chosen tho, it's Singh (common last name) Or Kapoor. You can be Y/N Singh or Kapoor (Pronounced cap our Kapoor and for Singh it Singc) ON WITH THE STORY >:D. 

You stood on the deck of the ship looking at the ocean, your hair blowing behind you. The sea salt air fills up your nose and reminds you of your favorite salted caramel toffee that Evanlyn had gifted you. You hear light footsteps behind you.

"Cassandra?" You ask un-interested.

"I can never get the best of you can I?" She replied behind you sighing. "That accent of yours is delightful although". You let out a little laugh. 

"Say more things, it's so cultured," She asked eagerly, Cassandra was like a little sister to you. 

"Umm... Pineapple?" You say with uncertainty. She smiles gleefully. 

"Horse, Horace-" You start to say but Cassie cuts you off. 

"How did you get from Horse to Horace?" She asks. 

"Well, that fellow looks larger than a horse, and mind you, looks like he could eat one!" You exclaim. Cassandra laughs. Halt a grim-faced man who had been listening to this conversation cracked a rare smile. Horace looks mildly offended, while his close friend Will coughs to hide his laughter. 

"Aye, I can agree with that!" Svengal's voice said behind you. "He ate through my stock of salted goat at the same speed those Ranger's drink Coffee!". You hide a smile. Gilan who had been grinning and leaning on the railing of the ship had stood up and glared at Svengal. 

"I always do love this part of the year," You say wistfully. "Your odd-ball company as we travel to do the regular peace treaty signings and negotiations". 

"You have no idea how hard it is to convince my father" Cassie huffs.

"Cassie, I've heard it a million times and don't need to hear it a million and one times" You inform her straight-faced. She glares at you and you start laughing. 

"LAND!" A voice yelled it was Axl the first mate. You immediately transformed from easy-going to downright haughty and pompous. 

"I might need to take lessons on how to be pompous from you" Cassie whistled. "Selethen would be pleased with that" She added. You raised an eyebrow. 

"She's definitely hung out with us too much!" You hear Gilan hoot. You flash him a withering look but he grinned and refused to be withered. 

"He's the Wakir but probably going to become Emrikir if he's not already" Cassie explained. Ah, so he was the one welcoming them to Arrida. Indus gets incredibly boring so the only source of fun for you was these little trips. The ship slowly began to slow down, you saw a man waiting for the ship. You speed-walked below deck to change from your comfortable hunting clothes to the royal attire of Indus. A saree. It was specially made for showcasing that you were royalty. 

(Image of what it looks like)

(Image of what it looks like)

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