II Fish Out Of Water II Hal

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**** 3'rd Person POV ****

Tusgard blinked rapidly taking a good look at the young woman who was coming out of the Heron. She had Y/H/C hair that was tied up in a sleek ponytail, a sword hung at her waist. She was laughing at something that, what was her name? Tusgard raked what little he had of a brain to remember her name. Olive skin and black hair! Lydia! Yes, that was her name. The girl was laughing at something Lydia had said, she was holding back to make sure that she didn't double over laughing. Erak lumbered over the Heron, his 'prized' brotherband. Tusgard snorted at the thought. 

But this new girl was a beauty. 

"Y/N!" Hal the scrawny skirl called out.

"What idiot?" She responded, her voice laced with sarcasm.

"If you love me say what?" He spoke rapidly.

"What?" Y/N frowned, her beautiful Y/E/C eyes glistened with confusion. Hal on the other hand cackled and hooted.

"I regret leaving Seacliff now..." She muttered before chatting away with Lydia.

"Hey, gorgeous." I draped an arm around her.

"Bye pervert." She shot back before kicking me in the spot. 

Feisty, just how I like them.

Hal draped an arm around her this time, she just rolled her eyes and sped up.

"What the-" I, Tusgard the amazing was left utterly confused. A few days later I was out for a walk when I saw Y/N again. She wore a shimmering cloak that made her disappear. She was sharpening a saxe and another knife. Putting them into a sheath she worked on making arrows. 

"Come out." Her voice came out crystal clear. I stayed in place.

"For Pete's sake! You're a lumbering giant, it's either you Tusgard or a large walrus killing itself using a branch." She snorted. I came out of hiding.

"Tusgard, it takes a lot of willpower not to kill you. I suggest not trying to make a move on me." She sighed patiently. She stood up and fired 4 arrows in record speed. They hit the target which was 65 meters away perfectly. 

She isn't kidding...

"Hey, Y/N." Lydia greeted.

"First person to hit all wins." She had a competitive glint in her eyes.

I'm being ignored.

"Mind if I join you?" Hal asked appearing next to me. The scrawny kid had become a tough opponent, I knew I had to back off.

"You going to the dance tomorrow?" Hal asked.

"I'm going with my boyfriend."She told him bluntly. Hal's face flashed with hurt.

"I mean, you did say that you were my boyfriend." She had a ghost of a smile on her face. Hal laughed.

"I'm never going to get the last word with you am I?" He mused.

"Never." She agreed. I wanted to rip this kid's throat out but couldn't. I might hurt sweet Y/N. 

Sighing unhappily, I began to plot. So what if he's her boyfriend? 

Author's Note: I love comments and feedback! And if you have request just tell me by DM or comment!

Expect a Jesper imagine and a Halt imagine soon!

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