II Perfect II Duncan (young)

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**** 3rd person POV *****

As Y/N made her way to Duncan's tent in the Hackham's Heath. Your Y/H/C hair ruffling in the wind. You a very nervous-looking Duncan pacing in his tent, it mirrors what a husband does when his wife is in her labor.

"Is your wife expecting a child?" Y/N snorted. Duncan who had not noticed her arrival was startled by the question.

"I'm not married." He spoke, confusion crystal clear in his eyes. He made eye contact with Y/N. Her beautiful and deep Y/E/C crystal eyes stared back at him. They were two orbs of amusement. Duncan broke contact before it became too awkward.

"You're pacing as though you are" She muttered under her breath.

"Pre-battle jitters. I bet you've had 'em plenty of times." He shot back, loving this argument. She inspected him like he was a rusty old sword and sat down.

"I find that hard to believe," She said at last. Duncan raised an eyebrow, a trick he'd picked up watching Crowley and Halt's one of many disputes. 

"You. Duncan. The guy who is a King. The guy who challenged Moragrath-" She started but Duncan blocked off anything else she said by clamping his ears shut using his hands. She grinned at his reaction.

"Modest too" She added when Duncan let his hands down. He grinned right back at her.

"I know people have been pressuring you but who's going to be your queen?" She asked curiously. 

"I don't know," I confessed. She smiled once again, the smile lit her Y/S/T (Your skin tone color) face. 

"Close your eyes and picture someone, you're sitting behind a desk and reading some boring papers. Suddenly the door bursts open to reveal Anthony. He hurries and tells you that your wife is pregnant. When you open her door who do you see?" She gently instructed. He obeyed and closed his eyes. Duncan saw Anthony bursting the door open. His eyes were lit up with urgency.  He followed him and shuffled into his ' wives' bedroom. Before he was a woman with Y/E/C eyes that were filled with amusement and her E/H/C hair flowing. She leaned forward to kiss me, Duncan could hear his heart-beat. Her lips were just millimeters away- 

"Hello?" A voice called.  He heard a snap. His eyes fluttered open. 

"Who did you see?" She asked clearly amused.

"W-Wh-What?" Duncan stuttered out flushed.

"You were about to kiss the air." She cheerfully pointed out. "So who did you see?"

Duncan's face flushed a more Red shade than Crowley's hair itself. He'd seen Y/N. Perfect in every way, he thought. No, I have to do it, He firmly believed. 

"Y/N" He squeaked out.

"Wha-" The woman started her eyes filled with confusion. But they soon were enveloped in realization. Duncan didn't think. He cursed himself that day multiple times, most of which was for the unspeakable thing he was going to do. He leaned forward and smashed his lips against hers. She was obviously startled, she tried to break away but Duncan's grip on her waist was too strong. Duncan was about to break away right then and there but something stopped him. He felt a warm hand wrap around his neck. His eyes flickered open and saw Y/N kissing him back. He took in the taste of her lips and the smell of her hair. She's perfect he thought before closing his eyes again. When they broke away Duncan made sure that she was only a few millimeters away from him.

"Fell for me did you, pretty boy?" She whispered. Their noses touched.

"Hard." He agreed. Burying his face into her hair he spoke once again.

"Your Perfect." He said. 

"I know" She muttered making Duncan smile. He took a deep breath and knelt on his knee.

"I've known you for 3 years Y/N. You helped me take down Morgrath the first time around. I want to know if you'd help me out for the rest of my life. Y/N L/N Will you marry me?" He asked in a calm tone. But what he felt was anything but calm, His palms were sweaty and he was so sure that she'd reject him.

"Of course you idiot!" She shouted, tears brimming her eyes. Duncan couldn't contain his surprise. 

"Wait really?" He questioned, she laughed and kissed him.

His Life was perfect now.

Author's Note: Guys how was this imagine? I was so stuck on it! I finally figured it out so I'm proud of getting through my writer's block. Should I continue writing imagines? Cause I feel like they suck. I want to know your honest opinions on where I can improve, But should I continue? Send me requests!


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