II You stole my mission, breath, and heart II Will

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Y/N= Your name
Y/H/C= Your Hair Color
Y/E/C= Your eye color
Y/L/N= Your last name

*** Will's POV ****

I stood there lying in wait for the bandits yet again Halt, Gilan and Horace had been called away on a mission, There were some problems in Arrida, problems Halt didn't feel necessary to explain to me I thought grudgingly. A merchant had stumbled over at Halt's cabin looking for Halt but alas Halt was off on a fun trip while I had to sit in a clump of bushes catching bandits. A group of Bandits robbed him on the way to Redmont. Boring. Where was the Adventure in that! I heard Tug whinny. 

Are you talking to yourself again?  Sorry grumbling

I glare at Tug. Who does the horse version of a shrug, stomping his hooves and shaking his shoulders.

Not my fault your slowly going insane, Humans are weird and also there's a merchant caravan coming by. 

"This conversation is not over" I grunt. Tug snort's in response. I stand perfectly still waiting. I notice a small gang of people hiding in the bushes. Each carried a dusty and rusty version of a weapon. One was especially unlucky. He went and hid near me and Tug. The Horse crinkled his nose in disgust and clobbered the man with one of his hooves. I hid a grin under my cowl. 

Like I said earlier, Humans are peculiar. You stand on 2 legs when you can run plenty fast on 4 and you have a horrible noise! You reek any creature with a sane nose can smell the horse dung and coffee on you. Don't think I walloped that man for you, he stunk badly.

I raised an eyebrow in disbelief apparently, I smell bad. Ignoring the snarky comments from my sassy horse I waited.  I heard the hoofbeats of a horse and saw 2 cartloads of goods. I raised my eyebrow in disbelief, this idiot was taking such valuable goods without bothering to hire a guard. He is basically a magnet for thieves! 
"Stop right there" A voice called out from a tree 7 feet away from me. Silently I slung my bow over my back and aimed an arrow in the direction. 
"Why would I stop?" A calm voice answered back, to my surprise the voice was feminine. The girl pushed back her cloak and I inhaled sharply. She had gentle amused Y/E/C eyes but they had a layer of Steel to her that gave me the suspicion that she could very much handle herself. She had glossy Y/H/C hair that was pulled back into a tight ponytail. A few strands of her hair were loose and blew along with the wind. She had an oval face and a Sharp nose. Tug snorted deliriously happy.

Well, it appears you have a crush. 

Ignoring the shaggy little horse, I watched the scene unfold with some mild interest. The man who called out earlier looked confused at the girl's reply or maybe even her gender. 

"We're bandits" He shouted.

"No, your wombats, oh, of course, your bandits I noticed that" The girl snorted. I couldn't help but grin she reminded me of Evanlyn with her snarky attitude. 

"It's your last chance to give up your belongings and run back to your Papa or if not we will take your items and take you as well" The man shouted back. 

"Oh?" The young woman made a moue with her mouth and tapped her forehead as though she was deep in thought. "Well, I don't have to long so please hurry up!" She called finally. Her eyes twinkled with mischief. A burly man appeared from behind the tree he wore a bandanna that was covered with white spots. He was dressed in black head to toe. I saw a flash of silver and the woman had a blade drawn. The Burly man was surprised but he speed-walked toward her. The woman's face went from easy-going to downright threatening. Tug couldn't help but comment on that.

That went from 1 to 1000 very quickly

I couldn't help but agree with Tug. The man was a few feet away when the girl took a step forward spun on her left heel and kicked the man in the spot where the sun doesn't shine. He exclaimed in pain and grabbed his gut by instinct. The girl retracted her right foot and punched him on the nose. While the man cried out in pain once more the girl throttled the man with the hilt of her sword. It was the final straw for him, he collapsed and fell unconscious. After the rest of the bandit gang saw their boss crumple before them they charged. I counted 7. Tug nudged me.

Shouldn't you help her now? 

But the girl needed no help. She kicked the closest one in the chest and smacked the flat side of her blade on his chin. I decided to take part in the fight I let loose a rapid-fire of 2 arrows which landed in succession. The Girl snapped her head in my direction. My heart did a little skip skap. I smiled and revealed myself. She shot a small smile in my direction and got right back to clobbering a bandit.  Within a minute we had finished off the bandits. She and I tied up the last few bandits. 

"Will," I said as I worked on tying up one of the bandits.

"Will I what?" The girl replied raising an eyebrow in confusion. I began to wonder if this girl was Halt's long lost daughter Sarcasm, the eyebrow raise, and a certain air of confidence/viciousness. 

"Will's my name" I replied smothering a laugh. 

"Y/N" She replied seemingly amused. "May I know what you're doing around these parts Ranger?" 

"I could ask you the same thing" I replied. 

"Ouch! That's tight" One of the bandits complained. Y/N snorted. 

"Want me to make it a little looser so that you could escape?" I asked him with Halt's iconic eyebrow raise. The bandit didn't reply. 

"Well Y/N I believe you stole my mission and a few other belongings of mine as well," I told her completely straight-faced.

"Oh? And what might I have stolen?" She asked with a hint of curiosity.

"My breath, and heart ♥" I finished. She looked taken aback, surprised more than offended. But then she composed her features immediately. 

"That was the cheesiest pick-up line I've ever heard," She told me a smile touching her features. I couldn't help but grin like an idiot. 

"Perhaps we could meet up? A certain cabin at Redmont is nice this time of year." I pressed. She swung herself off the saddle, I mirrored her actions confused. She leaned forward to me and just gazed into my eyes. Tug looked back, I saw amusement filling his eyes.

Y/N and W. I. L. L. Sitting in a tree kis-

I cut off my horse by pressing my lips against her's she was startled but kissed me back. I smirked. 

"I'll take that as yes" I respond. She got up on her saddle and rides away. 

"Noon! at the Ranger's Cabin!" I called after her. She twisted in her saddle and winked at me. Oh boy this had been quite the day.

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