Chapter One

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Hey troubles! I've originally published this on Quotev. It's not my best work - But I hope you'll enjoy it. This follows the movies, because my bsf dared me to write this and I keep pestering her to read the books. Apologies for the inconsistencies. 

Harry Potter was insane to be strolling around the castle at midnight. He was of course, wearing his invisibility cloak. He was unsure of why he was even out of his dormitory, but he had been losing his patience quite easily these days. He was short tempered and lashed out quite often. Ron and Hermonie had decided to give him his personal space. Mostly, it was because they didn't know how to react to Harry's mood swings. Harry's thoughts were scattered everywhere, especially Voldemort poking his nose into his personal business. He chuckled. Maybe Voldemort would appreciate the pun. Or he'd just Avada Kedavra Harry as soon as he saw him for making a joke about his nose.

He pulled of the cloak as soon as he was away from the castle, his eyes scanning the surroundings. The black lake was beautiful at this time of the night. Hogwarts didn't feel like his home anymore. He felt isolated from the others. Plus Umbridge was a royal pain in the ass. Detention could've been worse. His hand twitched at the thought of it. He advanced towards the shore and allowed his mind to wander. He'd successfully managed to screw up in his occlumency lessons. Snape has sneered which was his way of stating that Harry hadn't impressed him. Oh how he loathed Snape. He was convinced that Dumbledore was going to be the death if him, but then again, Harry trusted Dumbledore. 

He thought of Sirius, who was probably chilling in Grimmauld Place with that god awful elf. He'd wished to live with Sirius. To get away from the Dursley's. But it wasn't safe. Not yet. But apparently the dementor attack was. Trust Dumbledore to make strange decisions. His thoughts for Dumbledore had been conflicted. He didn't know the man. Not anymore. 'Intresting' He thought.

Umbridge had also banned him from Quidditch practices. Because there had to be someone to make his life miserable every year. Last year, he was a part of the Triwizard Tournament and he realized that mermaids were a nightmare. Cedric had died because of him. He had been the spare. 

Harry heard a deep voice that snapped him back to the present. 

"Potter" the voice said. Harry froze. His mind was screaming to make a run for it or probably dive into the lake and die. 

He turned. "Malfoy" He breathed. 

"Enjoying, are we? Sneaking out of the castle at midnight?" Malfoy scowled

"What are you out of extra credit again? Here with your inquisitorial squad?" He snapped

Malfoy laughed. 

"No Potter. I was merely here to clear my thoughts. As much as I'd love to make your life miserable, I won't report you to Umbridge." He said.

Harry's jaw dropped. "Who are you and what have you done with Malfoy?" He asked.

Malfoy laughed again, then he looked at Harry. He smirked. Harry realized that he had been staring, so he looked away. His gaze turned back to the lake. 

" should get going anyway." Harry said. Malfoy looked at him. 

"I really won't hex you Potter." Draco declared. 

"Yeah right. It's getting late. I'll go." Harry replied

"Scared Potter?"

"You wish" 

Draco grinned. After a few moments they burst into laughter. Harry was surprised that Draco was here, normally making a conversation without any rude comments. 

"What were you doing out here so late?" Malfoy asked, looking straight into Harry's eyes. He hesitated. 

"Well, um....I have had a lot of things on my mind lately. I was just here to get away from it all." He replied.

"It's not easy being the chosen one huh?" 

"No. It involves a lot of undivided attention with a death threat over your head every minute, endangering the people who surround you." Harry stated as a matter-of-factly. 

"Woah! Easy Harry." Draco said. 

Harry's head snapped. He looked at Malfoy with a confused expression. 

"I didn't realize we were on first name basis." He said. 

Malfoy chuckled. "We aren't?"

"Are we?"



"You have a twig in your hair." Draco said, smirking in his most arrogant way possible. 

"Oh so you were admiring my hair huh Malfoy?" 

"Merlin no! I was being observant."

"And that involved looking at my hair?" 

"Oh drop it Potter. You're insufferable." Malfoy scowled. 

Harry smiled. He checked his watch. It was getting cold and he was sleepy. He started walking towards the castle, unaware that Malfoy was walking beside him. Why? Because he was thinking about Cedric. He always thought about Cedric these days. 

"Are you okay Potter?" 

Harry jumped slightly. He didn't want to give Malfoy an explanation. But he was looking at Harry expectantly, waiting for an answer.

"I just...... Cedric." 

Malfoy nodded. Tears were pooling in the corner of Harry's eyes. Malfoy stopped and touched Harry's arm. He took a step forward and wiped Harry's tears with his thumb. 

"You realize that it isn't your fault right Harry?" Harry was startled at Malfoy's response. Why was he being so bloody...He probably had an ulterior motive. Yet, Malfoy wasn't being a prick and it was weird. 

"I don't know. Voldemort's exact words were: Kill the spare. He was a spare, Draco. He didn't deserve to die" Harry said. 

"Ha-....Potter, It's okay to feel. But these are mad times. People die everyday. Don't be so hard on yourself."

Harry nodded.

"Come on, let's get back to the castle." Draco said.

"Why are you doing this Malfoy?" He asked.

To which, Malfoy just smirked. He jogged towards the castle, leaving Harry to his thoughts.  

Harry slipped under the invisibility cloak, wondering how Malfoy would manage to get into the dormitories without getting caught. But then again, he was Draco Malfoy and he always got his own way.

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