Chapter Ten

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Ginny was telling Harry about how Neville had asked her to accompany him to study about plants. He wanted Gin to help him with a detailed report so he could give that to Professor Sprout. She thought that he'd asked her out on a date. Knowing Neville, he really was going to collect samples and make report or whatever, but he did not want to shoot Ginny's hopes down.

"Am I reading too much into this Harry?" She asked.

"No Ginny. I think he really does like to spend time with you. You really shouldn't overthink it." He replied.

"Harry, I wanted to ask you something." She said nervously. She bit her lip and waited for Harry to give her a green signal. Harry nodded slightly.

"So um...I was passing by the corridors last night, because well I couldn't sleep and one of the girls I share my dorm with was snoring, I uh....saw you making out with Malfoy." She blurted.

Harry froze.

'Shit shit shit shit shit.'

"Ginny I-

"Look all I wanted to tell you is that I support you. If you're gay, then that's really not my business. But I am worried about you." She fumed.

"Oh. You really don't mind?" Harry asked. He wasn't ready to come out to the others. Just no. But he had been irresponsible and was snogging Malfoy in the castle. It was really a secluded area, but shit.

"No Harry, but this is Malfoy." She explained hastily.

"Would you believe me if I said that he has a good side as well?" Harry asked.

"I trust you Harry. But just be careful."

"Of course Gin." She smiled.

"Did you know I had a crush on you two years back?" Ginny asked.

Harry laughed. "That, Ginevra Weasley, was very obvious." Ginny raised her eyebrows, clearly stunned. Harry sighed.

"I am not as oblivious as you think Gin." She chucked. Harry rolled his eyes. Ginny was now laughing uncontrollably and even snorting. Moments later, Harry joined her.

Ginny knew but she didn't care. And it felt good.


"We found it. We found it. We found it." Fred and George were swaying across the floor, because they had found the Room of Requirement. He decided that he was going to tell Sirius, purely to see how he'd react. They decided to meet after lunch tomorrow, since they didn't have classes after that. Harry thought of asking Draco but almost immediately pushed it out of his head. There is no way the others would welcome him in the DA.

Apparently, Ron had to eat a puking pastille because they'd placed a bet. He groaned loudly.

"Now now brother, there is no need to yell." Fred said. George laughed. Ron made a run for it, but Harry helped the twins to corner him.

"I'm gonna kill you Harry!" Ron yelled. Hermione encouraged the twins to give him two instead of one since he had decided to chicken out, which made him groan even louder. Then Ron was puking and Harry was enjoying the scene. Hermione was thinking of all the possible ways to let the DA know about the timing and how they can find the room of requirement. Harry wanted to see Draco, so he headed out. He wandered about the castle, avoiding Filch and Umbridge.

"I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good." He whispered. The map brilliantly appeared on the parchment. His eyes trailed around the map for a bit. Then he spotted Draco. He was going to thank Sirius and Remus for this.

"Mischief managed."

He set out of the castle, jogging down the hill. He passed Hagrid's hut and made a mental note to meet him up later. He reached the edge of the forest and saw him, leaning against the rough bark of the tree. He was looking peaceful, but then Harry heard a sob.

"Draco?" Harry asked, concerned.

He froze as Draco turned around. His eyes were bloodshot red from crying. A single tear trickled down his cheek. He looked paler than usual, so fragile and vulnerable. Harry was at a loss for words. Draco flashed a small smile.

"Oh love." Harry embraced him in a hug. Draco's sobs became more defined, and he broke down again. He was holding onto Harry. He buried his face in Harry's neck. He ran his thumb in circles along Draco's back, trying to calm him down.

"What happened?" Harry asked. Draco didn't say anything for a while. He shook his head slowly. Harry nodded. He kissed Draco's head.

"My father he-

"Hush Draco, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Draco tightened his grip around his waist. Harry wanted to know, he really did. But he didn't want to force Draco into telling him things that he wasn't comfortable with.

Draco lifted his head and looked into Harry's eyes. He kissed him softly, cupping his face. Draco smiled.

"How did you find me?" Draco croaked.

"There's this map of Hogwarts made by four mischievous guys, who wanted to create trouble without getting caught. So it shows everyone and their location." Harry explained. Draco smirked.

"That's clever." Draco decided.

"It is."

He pulled Harry closer. "What was that you were saying about me being a perfect prat?"

"You are." Harry said.

"Not like this, I'm not." He pointed out.

Harry shook his head, disagreeing with Draco. He pressed a gentle kiss against his lips. Draco blushed a little. He was afraid that Draco would push him away, yet he didn't. He let Harry be there for him, to see him in this state and that was more than enough for him right now. He let his hand fall into Draco's and squeezed it. He leaned into Harry's body, resting his head on his chest.

"You're always so perfect Draco. Even that smirk of yours or the way you chuckle arrogantly. The way you walk with such grace and confidence, you're perfect with those god awful potions and so perfect at making me feel tongue tied around you, feel a little more happier."


"I love you." Harry interrupted. It came out softly and easily, Because he really did love Draco Malfoy and nobody could tell him otherwise. Draco was clearly taken by surprise, because he was stammering. Harry gently placed a finger on his lips.

"If you don't feel the same way-

Draco turned and crashed his lips into Harry's, who almost fell backwards by the force. He moaned softly against Draco's mouth.

"I love you. I love you so much Harry."  

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