Chapter Twenty Eight

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As realization dawned on Harry, he buckled to his knees. Narcissa Malfoy was dead. Draco was screaming in pain, while Sirius held him back from running into the veil. His screams were echoing deafeningly in the room. Harry covered his ears, he couldn't stand the pain in Draco's voice. He would've given anything to have the last few minutes back and save Narcissa. He couldn't move. He wanted to go to Draco, comfort him, but he just couldn't. Because deep down somewhere, it hit him that it was his fault. If he hadn't led them here, none of this would've happened. It was agonizing. Harry struggled to stand straight, he felt weak.

Bellatrix looked pleased with herself. Harry's eyes flashed in anger as he chased her out of the room. She was howling with delight.

"I killed Narcissa Malfoy." She sang. "Are you coming to get me?"

"Crucio!" A red light shot out of Harry's wand, hitting Bellatrix, yet she was still laughing.

A voice whispered in Harry's ear. The voice of Voldemort.

"You've got to mean it Harry. She killed her. She deserves it."

"You know the spell, do ittttttt." He hissed. For a moment, he was tempted to kill her, for everything that she'd done. Harry lowered his wand as he turned to face Voldemort. Holding his wand steadily towards him.

"Weak." Voldemort decided.

Dumbledore made an entrance. Voldemort's face fell.

"It was foolish of you to come here tonight Tom." He said. "The aurors are on their way."

"By which time I shall be gone and you shall be dead."

They had an intense duel. Harry couldn't process anything at all. There was fire and water, but his mind was on Draco. How he had failed him miserably. He'd led them to a suicide mission and now, Narcissa was gone.

Harry attempted to stand straight, but almost immediately fell back by force. He grunted. He couldn't pinpoint what was happening, Dumbledore knelt beside him.

"You've lost old man." Harry said, in a voice that wasn't his. He struggled, as if he was split in two. Memories flashed before him. His parents, Cedric, Narcissa dying before his eyes. His breathing became heavier. He was panting.


Harry screamed.

"So weak." Voldemort's voice echoed in his head. "So vulnerable."

"Harry, it isn't how you're alike. It is how you are not." Dumbledore said. His vision went blur as he tried to fight Voldemort, to get him out. The darkness was growing. His screams intensified. He felt pain coursing throughout his body and his mind was chaotic.

Harry could make out the faces of his friends, his godfather and Draco standing at a distance. He grunted. He couldn't breathe for a while. Then he saw him. Draco's eyes, his beautiful grey eyes boring into Harry's, asking him to fight it. Flashes of memories played in his head. Hermione and Ron, laughing with him. Conversations with Ginny and Neville and how Luna had had told him about wrackspurts, hilarious as though it was, it was helping him get through this.

Then it was him. The day he'd first kissed Malfoy, when he'd taught him how to produce a full bodied Patronus. The room of requirement, every laugh, every kiss, every hug and that's all he needed. A purpose.

Draco. He had to hold his shit together for him. He had to be there for him now.

"You're the weak one." Harry breathed. "And you've never known love. Or friendship. And I feel sorry for you."

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