Chapter Twenty Five

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"You need to come with me, it's Draco."

That was more than enough to send chills down Harry's spine. He was a fury of thoughts. Oh Jesus, what if Draco was badly hurt? Nott led him to the Hospital Wing, despite Madam Pomfrey's protests, he raced towards Draco. Nott was right behind him, standing as still as a statue. His eyes settled on Draco. His eye was heavily bruised. Blood oozing from his cheek. According to Madam Pomfrey he'd broken a rib and the side of is stomach was bruised as well. He was resting for now. She'd mended the ribs. She left the boys alone, asking them to leave soon.

"It doesn't take a genius to figure out who did this Potter." Nott said.

Harry stroked Draco's hair. "It was Zabini, wasn't it?"

"Mhm. Look, I need to run. I can't risk ruining my reputation. Nobody must know Potter." Harry nodded. Theodore fished out Harry's invisibility cloak and handed it over to him. He supposed that he used it to get Draco here, without creating a scene. "Thank you." Harry breathed.

Nott gave him a slight nod and left.

Harry felt his anger grow. Draco was hurt and there was nothing he could do about it. He felt helpless.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you love." Harry sighed. He shouldn't have let Malfoy go. He should've never left his side. Harry kissed his forehead. He took Draco's hand in his own, stroking it absent-mindedly. He was furious.

Blaise had hurt his Draco and he was not going to let him get away with it. Draco's lips parted as Harry's name escaped from his lips. Harry couldn't help but smile. He brushed Draco's hair as he looked at him, resting peacefully.

He did not want to leave Draco's side. Ginny came rushing to Harry. She took a moment to breathe.

"I heard. Are you alright?" She asked.

"No." Harry replied. Ginny gave him a side hug, asking him to calm down. "Does anybody know?" Harry asked. Ginny shook her head. "Only the Slytherins. Blaise was telling a few of them. Says Draco attacked him first." Harry was so mad at Zabini, that he could've killed him.

"Don't. You're thinking about confronting him." Ginny pointed out. She knew him too well.

"Look at him Gin, look what Zabini did." Harry said desperately.

"I know Harry, but ask yourself, would Draco want you to?" Ginny saw reason, Harry was clearly lacking that. His emotions were clouding his judgement. He punched a wall.

"Seriously?" Ginny croaked. That made him calm down a little. He exhaled. His eyes settled on Draco again.

"I don't know what to do." He said in a small voice. He really didn't.

"Harry you seem to forget that Draco is more than capable to take care of himself." She said.

"I know Gin, but he isn't is he?" She drew her lips in a thin line, pondering upon that thought. She finally nodded in acknowledgement.

"Mr. Potter and Ms. Weasley, you must leave at once." Madam Pomfrey said. She looked at Harry's hand, dripping with blood. She shook her head in disbelief. "Must you injure yourself all the time?"

"I'm not leaving his side." Harry said.

"I'm afraid I must insist Mr. Potter. He will be taken care of." Harry shook his head. Ginny left at once. He was not going anywhere. Madam Pomfrey told him to drag his ass out or that she'd have to tell the headmistress. Harry clenched his jaw.

"Fine. Tell her. I'll serve detention. I don't care. I will get my bones broken if it means that I get to stay with him or something even nasty. I. AM. NOT. GOING." He made it pretty clear. She gave up trying to talk sense into him. Gryffindors were stubborn and he was glad.


Draco stirred in his bed. Harry was watching him sleep for a long time. It was almost midnight. The moonlight makes his pale skin look angelic. Harry brushed a strand of hair that had been falling on Draco's face behind his ear. He had decided not to go looking for Blaise because it would cause trouble. And Draco's safety was more important than his own. He hoped that it wouldn't happen again. He'd do anything. He'd promised to protect Draco, yet he failed.

"Hey." Draco said, focusing his eyes on Harry.

"Hey. How do you feel?"

"Better than before." Draco replied. "Help me sit up, will you?"

Harry obliged. Draco pulled him closer by his arms, he sat beside Malfoy, who snuggled closer to Harry, wrapping his arms around his waist. Harry kissed his head.

"Does it hurt?" Harry asked, concerned.

"A little." He replied. "Don't think that you failed to protect me Harry. Please." Harry gave him a sad smile. He wanted Draco to be alright. Not worry all the time.

"Were you here since morning?" Harry nodded. "Surprised Granger let you stay."

"I wasn't about to leave your side and study about Goblins now, was I?" He replied.

"Who brought me here?" Draco asked.

"Nott." Draco looked stunned for a moment. No surprise there, Theodore Nott wasn't on great terms with him. Come to think of it, No Slytherin was on excellent terms with Malfoy.

"Blaise knocked me out and then I don't remember what happened. When I regained consciousness, I was here. Madam Pomfrey told me that I had a broken rib and some bruises. I passed out after a while. I assume that's when you came. And apparently my eye isn't looking great at the moment." Draco explained. He touched his eye, it wasn't paining, but it'd take time for the bruise to fade completely.

"That son of a bitch knocked you out?" Harry repeated the words angrily.

"What do you take me for Potter? If he'd have held out his wand, he would probably have no limbs left at all." Draco chuckled. Sounds about right. If there was a duel, Malfoy would win. "Unfortunately, he ruined my flawless face." Harry snorted.

"You're as handsome as you'll ever be Malfoy. I don't even know how you manage to look so amazing even with the bruise on your eye and that scar on your cheek." Harry said. He really did look wonderful.

"Trying to make me feel better, are you?" Draco asked.

"Sod off."

"You sod off."


Draco laughed and kissed Harry's lips tenderly.

"I worried you didn't I?"

"So much." Harry replied. He was so troubled. He wanted to hurt Zabini but didn't want to make things worse for Draco. He didn't want to leave his side. He was pacing, thinking and stopping himself from having a mental breakdown constantly.

"Thank you Harry." Malfoy whispered against his ear.

"What for?"

"You didn't hurt Zabini despite what he did."

"I wanted to Dray. I wanted to hurt him ten times more than he had hurt you. I was so worried. I told you that I would protect you and I've failed so miserably. I had to keep myself from hunting him down. But I couldn't compromise your safety. I'm so sorry." Harry said. He had been miserable for those few hours, waiting for Draco to wake up.

"It's not your fault. Neither is it your job to protect me."

Harry wasn't convinced. He shook his head. "It is."

"It's not. I can make Blaise suffer in worse ways. I'm just not indulging myself with him. Just like I made you suffer for the last four years." He chuckled.

"You mean when you gave out those badges, got me in trouble with Filch-

"And climbed a tree to get your attention." Draco concluded. Harry gave out a dry laugh. "All the ways to declare my undying love for you Potter." Excellent at flirting as usual.

"Yeah?" Harry asked, blushing furiously.

"Don't flatter yourself." 

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