Chapter Thirty One

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Harry laughed at Draco's attempts to do the dishes, ever so often kissing him on the cheek when he would get the foam on his face. Remus had the wolf situation tonight, and Sirius was there to help of course. They were in the basement, waiting patiently. He'd come as soon as Sirius had told him about what had happened, with lots of chocolate. They'd dismissed Kreacher for the day, considering the current situation, he wasn't to be trusted. That left Harry and Draco with the chores. Sirius kept apologizing to Harry for assigning him work. He didn't see what the big deal was about, he'd done this at the Dursley's all the time. Draco had been whining the entire time.

"A little help here?" Draco asked, foam dripping towards his eyes. Harry chuckled. He wiped it off and drew Draco into a kiss. "You're adorable." Harry drawled.

"I'm literally a Malfoy, oh my god." Draco said a little too dramatically.

"Move over, at this rate, we wouldn't even done with this by morning."

"But you're still recovering from... His voice trailed. Harry wrapped his arms around Draco's neck, his green eyes gazing at Draco's grey ones. He didn't blame Draco. He shouldn't have been so annoying.

"I'm alright love, although I could really use a nice, long kiss." He chuckled. Draco's face moved closer to his, as his lips brushed against Harry's, softly at first then with aggression. He took hold of Harry's thighs, lifting him and then pressing him against the wall. Draco's mouth was warm against his, their tongues clashed against each other. Harry moaned, Draco would probably never cease to amaze him with the way his tongue explored his mouth, with so much desire and passion, but it made Harry feel that it was never enough. It made him crave for a lot more. Draco pressed his body against him. There was such an intensity to it that it made him feel completely undone. They pulled apart and exhaled roughly.

"Come on, Sirius won't appreciate a make out session." Harry said. Draco groaned. Harry was excellent at doing dishes, courtesy of the Dursley's. Draco was staring at the way he did it with so much precision, without foam on his face.

"Enjoying the view, Malfoy?"

"Sod off Potter." Draco said. "You're beautiful, you know?"

Harry chuckled. "I thought you asked me to sod off." Harry expected Draco to hex him, but he just curled him arms around Harry's waist from the back, resting his chin on Harry's shoulder.

"I love you." He whispered against his ear. Harry leaned in against him.

"I love you too Dray."

"About what I said that day about people dying because of you-

"Hey, it's alright, there's no need to bring that up now love." Harry said softly. "Please."

Draco nodded. "You have to tell me how you do all this so well." He pointed at the dishes. Harry's face fell. He thought of the Dursley's and not in a pleasant way. They had been abusive and treated him like a slave. He'd been Uncle Vernon's punching bag and Dudley just amused himself. Aunt Petunia wasn't great either. They would starve him and make him do each and every chore. Draco noticed Harry's expression turning completely dark. He placed a warm hand on Harry's cheek.

"Hey" Draco said, searching his eyes. "What is it?"

"Well, I've done this all my life, that's why I'm so bloody perfect at it." He laughed. Draco did not see the humor in it and waited for an explanation. Harry sighed. He could either argue with Draco and then tell him after a while or he could tell him everything without an argument.

"Alright, you know the muggle family I live with, right? They make me do every chore, treat me like a slave, come to think of it, somewhat like a house elf. They starve me, abuse me physically. I lived in a cupboard under the stairs for about eleven years of my life. I had no idea that I was a wizard. I was just an extra mouth to feed and a waste of space. Then when I received my letter, they let me move to my cousin's second room, mostly because they were scared. Hagrid rescued me. But they're still the same. That's about it." Harry said with not much emotion, he'd come to terms with it a long time ago.

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