Chapter Fourteen

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Harry did not want to let go of Sirius. When they arrived at Grimmauld Place, Sirius immediately pulled him into a hug, and Harry smiled. He was happy. He finally had to let go of him because Kreacher was creating a ruckus, blabbering nonsense about mudbloods and traitors and whatnot. So, Sirius had to yell at the elf. Harry felt bad about it, but it was fair.

"Harry, my boy. How are you?" Remus asked.

"Spectacular, yourself?" He asked.

"I'm alright. I missed Sirius, it's good to be back with an old friend." Remus explained.

"He has that effect on people." Harry pointed out.

They had a lot for dinner. Mrs. Weasley had made all of Harry's favorites. Laughter filled the room, as they discussed about the DA and of course, Umbridge. Sirius gave Remus a look when he said that they reminded him of himself and his friends at that age.

"Oh shut up Moony, they are nowhere near as mischievous as we were. We were a lot worse." Sirius said, as he winked at Harry.

Fred and George were not happy with that, because they started listing every time they had created a huge ruckus and their plans for more.

"You two will not give your god awful love potion to Umbridge and make her obsessive over Filch." Mrs. Weasley snapped.

"It's a great joke honestly." Sirius said. Remus gave him a look. Fred and George looked at him and grinned.


"Boys, bad joke, don't do such a terrible thing to poor Filch." Sirius interrupted. When Molly looked away, he mouthed 'Do it already' to the twins which made the others laugh uncontrollably. Remus shook his head, disapproving of they way Sirius was acting.

"You're supposed to be responsible here Sirius." Remus said.

"Responsible? Have you met me Moony?"

"Yes, you're a prankster and irresponsible, but it doesn't hurt to tell the kids to behave."

"It hurts like hell. They'll just be like mushrooms, growing moss if they behave. You're jealous that they'll like me better." Sirius declared. Remus clearly, gave up trying to talk sense into him.

Harry was enjoying this bickering immensely. Then Molly asked them about how bad was it, with Umbridge in charge of Hogwarts.

"She is insufferable, very pink and looks like a toad. She puts too much sugar in her tea, and is really annoying mum." Ron fumed.

"Knowing you three, you'll probably kick her out before the year ends, like you did with the other teachers." Sirius said.

"Well yeah that'll be great except we weren't responsible for Professor Lupin. Given the choice, I'd always have him teaching me DADA, had Malfoy not been a prat." Hermione explained.

Malfoy. Of course.

"Thank you Hermione." Remus smiled. "Also, the kids like me better Sirius."

"Like hell they do." Sirius said.

"Gentlemen, you can have this argument later, now if you're done stuffing yourself, get out. I have work to do." Mrs. Weasley said, patiently.

Everyone moved to the living room, Sirius was discussing about a few of Weasley's Wheezes products with the twins, and found it clearly amusing. Harry was relaxing on the couch with Ron and Hermione. Ginny was in a conversation with Lupin about Boggarts, a topic that he fancied.

It had been a beautiful day indeed. Sirius and Remus had already put up the Christmas tree. They drank some coffee after.

Harry couldn't have asked for a better way to spend his holidays.

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