Chapter Twenty One

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Draco did not come to the dorm that night. It wasn't surprising really, they'd just had a fight. But Harry was worried. He already missed Draco. Blaise's words had cut through him like a knife.

'You've ruined him' Harry probably had. Draco had also been keeping something from him and he wouldn't tell him. Then even Malfoy's words echoed in his head. 'You'll only make things worse for me than they already are' Than he'd already made them. He fished out the map from his trunk as his eyes searched for Draco. Harry put his pride aside here. He didn't like where he was going though. He slipped out of the castle as usual, heading towards the whomping willow.

The Shrieking Shack. He'd first met Sirius here. His godfather. He cast immobulus on the gigantic/aggressive tree. He'd nearly been killed twice by the tree. He wasn't making it a third. He entered the shack. It wasn't haunted really, Dumbledore had started that rumor because Remus Lupin would use this for his lycanthropy.

"Dray?" Harry said, in a hushed tone. He saw Draco sprawled on the bed, comfortably. It wasn't a great bed.

"Couldn't stay away from me, could you Potter?" Harry ignored that.

"How'd you get in?" Harry asked.

"Overheard you talking to Sirius on New years eve. Figured I could crash here for the night, since you wouldn't want me around. Heard you had detention." Draco explained.

"Draco it's not like that, you could've come to the dorm."

"I don't know." He replied. Harry went beside him and pulled him into a kiss. "I'm sorry I got mad" Harry said.

"Apology accepted. Did you miss me?" Draco asked.

"So much."

Draco pulled Harry onto his lap, his hand resting on his thigh. His fingers circled around Harry's neck, as he drew his face closer. Their chests were pressed against each other, their heartbeats increasing rapidly. Draco kissed him aggressively. He'd missed Harry just as much.

"Harry, have you ever thought about-

"Doing it?" Harry interrupted. "Yes."

Draco smiled. He intertwined his fingers with Harry's.

"Not the best place though. When I think of our first time, I don't want to be imagining the Shack and the bugs." Harry said. Draco nodded in agreement.

"About the thing that I was keeping from you...

Harry wrapped his hands around Draco, encouraging him to go on. Draco rested his head on Harry's chest as he carded his fingers through those platinum blonde hair. It was calming in a way.

"After my father used the cruciatus curse on me, I...I was taken to You-know-who. My father thought he could talk some sense into me. I was so terrified Harry, so terrified. He told me to bring you to him, that the Malfoy name would soon be recognized, that it was a chance at redemption. I refused. He threatened to kill my family. My father begged him, he promised him that I will aid him, be a great asset. Ever since then, he's getting the Slytherins to force me. The imperius curse, funnily enough, they tried that already. My mother gave me this." Draco showed him a locket tied around his neck. It was delicate, a small silver triangle.

"It doesn't do much, but deflects spells, produces a strong shield, only if you concentrate. It's a Black family artifact." He explained. "You told me that I look like someone's going to attack me every two minutes, yes Harry, everyone is onto me. My father has made my life a living hell. Blaise has hurt me physically. It took me a long time to heal it completely. Even if I wanted to, I can't go back to being that dominant, arrogant Slytherin Prince. I don't know what to do. I am staying away from them because I know my father, he will stop at nothing. He will keep trying till I'm by his side. It has made me restless. I can't even think straight."

Where We Come alive (A Drarry fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora