Chapter Twenty Seven

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'I promised to protect you.'

Draco had never felt so much love. He cupped Harry's cheek and kissed him hard, a soft blush making it's way to his cheek as Harry smiled against his mouth. Under different circumstances, he would've made some clever statement, but not now. Words failed him. His screams were painful to hear, there was nothing more terrible than watching the man he loved, scream in agony and be able to do absolutely nothing about it. He had gone completely ballistic. At first he was blanch with fear, not knowing how he should face his father, because somewhere, he had wanted to make his father proud. But after that stunt he just pulled, he was bristled with rage. The way he had spun out of control, had made Harry's blood run cold. Draco gathered that much, he was startled himself.

It wasn't exactly reassuring when realization dawned on him, that he had wanted to do the wrong. Just for the right reasons. For Harry.

Harry's emerald green eyes were scanning the surroundings for any kind of immediate threat. There was a death eater coming towards them. Harry dashed in front of the others, throwing spells at him. The death eater was stunned somewhere across the room.

'Once a saint, always a saint.' Draco thought. They'd all had a fair share of death experiences now and didn't intend to stay in the room any longer. Also, death eaters were zooming in on them and it was exhausting to not kill them.

They ran across the room, casting spells at any death eater who came close, it was fascinating how well the others were doing, they were really trained well.

"There's too many of them." Ron said.

Granger decided to go berserk. She shrieked something and The entire room was about to collapse and he never thought he'd utter the sentence. "The death eaters are the least of our concern, the entire room's about to go down."

They reached a black door, opening it hastily. Then they fell.


Draco felt himself glide, landing painlessly on the floor. Anyone who said that Granger wasn't smart, did not know what they were talking about. She'd been quick enough to act, even in a situation like this.

"Quick thinking Hermione." Harry said impressively. Harry looked strangely at an empty archway behind them, moving closer to it.

"What is this?" He asked curiously. "I see it too." Luna mused. "A veil."

No surprise there, they were both different than the others. Draco pulled Harry closer, staring into his eyes for a moment. His lips collided into Harry's. He was frozen for a while, till he leaned in and kissed him back. They were probably in the middle of a battle, he'd probably even die. But Draco didn't care. The world be damned. All that mattered was Harry.

"You stupid brave idiot." Draco said. "Don't you ever pull a stunt like that again."

Harry grinned sheepishly, pleased with himself. "I will do that a hundred times over. Hell I'd even die protecting you, my love"

Draco punched his arm playfully.

"Guys, NOW IS NOT THE TIME." Ginny said.

There was a loud crash. Everyone stood behind Harry, raising their wands and then all hell broke loose. The Death eaters charged towards them from every direction, they couldn't attack or defend themselves in all the chaos that followed.

Suddenly, Draco was standing on the other side of the room, a wand held at his throat. The others were in a similar situation as well.

Only Harry remained in the center, Lucius Malfoy threatening him, to give the prophecy or it won't end well. Draco wished that this once, he'd be a little selfish. But he was Harry Potter and he'd put others before him. He silently cursed under his breath.

"Don't Potter!" Draco screamed.

"Quiet." Bellatrix ordered. Like hell he'd be. The moment Harry gave it to Lucius, they'd all be as good as dead. Harry was hesitant. He obviously wasn't going to let his friends suffer. His eyes locked with Draco. Adrenaline rushed through him. He closed his eyes, doing something he never though he'd do. He focused, muting the sound around him, trying to reach his mother. It wasn't easy, his mother was an occlumens, reaching out to her mind took every shred of energy Draco had.

'Mother, if you can hear me, I need your assistance.'

He pulled out almost immediately. Harry was being manipulated, he was worried. All of them were at the mercy of the death eaters unless he gave Lucius what he wanted, and they'd still die after that.

"Get away from my godson." Sirius Black said, and punched Lucius Malfoy.

A jet of white light circled around the room. Every death eater abandoned his spot, as Draco watched in awe. The order was here.

"Draco." His mother's voice echoed behind him. He turned slowly to face Narcissa Malfoy. "That was clever."

He smiled at her. She'd always been excellent. But as realization dawned on him, his face fell.

"Father... His voice trailed.

"I know my boy. But it's about time I do something right. Be just as brave as you are."

They fought off almost every death eater. Sirius and Harry were doing fairly well, but Lucius wouldn't hesitate to use the killing curse, and he wasn't about to let the either of them die. A silent agreement passes between Draco and his mother. They had to face Lucius together. They crept behind Harry and Sirius, holding their wands an inch away from them, as they stood paralyzed.

"My family, finally here for the right cause." Lucius mused. "You see Potter, you are loosing this battle."

"I beg to differ." Narcissa disarmed him, sending him flying far across the room. They fought alongside each other in a perfect sync.

"Mr. Potter, you must leave at once." Narcissa said.

"If I must, I'll die fighting beside you Mrs. Malfoy." Harry replied. Draco smiled, for the first time, he loved Harry's stubbornness. "Ditto Cissy." Sirius winked. Despite Narcissa's protests, they made it very clear that they were in this together. Fighting alongside his mother was a great privilege. She was level headed, and precise.

"Draco, these two won't listen, but you must go. If your father...

"I'm staying with you." He said firmly. "My father can drop dead for all I care, but I am not leaving you here. Or Harry, he's stupid."

"Hey!" Harry protested.

He wasn't about to leave Harry here, after all that they'd been through and after Harry had to suffer under the curse, he had decided to protect him with his life. He was reckless and Draco wasn't going to let him run into trouble. They deflected every spell that made it's way towards them, and that, Draco realized, was what a family was supposed to be like. That even in a situation of life and death, the safety of the other person mattered more. For him, keeping Harry, Sirius and his mother alive was the only priority.

She was at ease, mildly enjoying it even. More alive.

Bellatrix Lestrange thought otherwise.

'Avada Kedavra'

A blinding green light hit Narcissa Malfoy, as she was engulfed by, what now Draco could make out as a thin veil.

She was dead.

Hey! I realize it's a very short chapter. There wasn't much to say, I was debating between Ginny and Sirius and I decided that I couldn't kill the either of them. This was particularly painful to write because I love Narcissa Malfoy. I've always thought of her as an amazing mother, in her own way. Don't kill me for this. 

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