Chapter Thirty

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Draco wished that he'd been a little more civil towards Harry. Stubborn as he may be, he was just trying to help, although annoying Malfoy in the process. He didn't blame Harry, not really. It was just a way of coping up with his mother's death. Denial wasn't an option, he didn't want to be that miserable. But Narcissa Malfoy had been an amazing mother and nobody could convince him otherwise. He wondered how his father- No. Lucius was doing. Not well, of course. Ever since Malfoy manor had become The Dark Lord's headquarters, he didn't suppose that the manor was as spectacular as before. Especially with his mother gone and that monstrosity of a snake lurking around. Grimmauld Place on the other hand, was habitable, more than Draco expected it to be. Depressing, but certainly better than his manor. He heard a soft voice outside his bedroom, calling out Harry's name. Was Potter still around after that? Oh Merlin! This stubborn Gryffindor was going to be the death of him. He made his way towards the door, admiring Harry's courage to be around.

He froze. Harry was lying on the floor, unconscious, blood oozing out of his head. Draco was a fury of thoughts. He wanted to scream Harry's name, he felt lightheaded and guilty. He wasn't squeamish, but blood was pooling around his boyfriend and it might've been his fault. Sirius gave him a cold stare.

"You want to explain this?" He demanded. Draco couldn't speak. He stammered, finding a possible way to explain the situation without Sirius killing him.

"I...I didn't mean to." He managed. Sirius carried Harry to his bedroom, laying him on the bed gently. Draco stood right outside, not wanting to bother Sirius. He advanced towards the door, staring coldly at him.

"Stay outside. I'll take care of him." He said. After a moment, his gaze turned soft. He shut the door, leaving Draco to his thoughts. He paced outside the door, guilt weighing heavily on him. He was wrong. For Harry. He'd hurt the man he loved, so much more than words could explain. He'd lost control of himself. He pressed his head against the door, everything was so fucked up. So completely fucked up. His mother was gone. He'd hurt his Potter. He could've screamed, but this really wasn't the time.

Sirius was at ease. He came out moments later, breathing a sigh of relief. Draco turned, he wasn't shooting cold glares for a change, but he couldn't really say anything in that matter. He'd hurt his godson after all, a godson that he loved so much.

"He's alright. It was a concussion. The blood has stopped and I've healed him completely." Sirius explained.

"Is he resting?" Draco asked. He nodded. "Can I see him?"

"Yeah. I'm going downstairs. Call me when he wakes up."

Draco stood near the door, watching Harry. He was sleeping peacefully, breathing steadily. His lips parted as a soft grunt escaped. He was so beautiful. Draco settled beside him, stroking Harry's hair gently, making sure that he wouldn't wake him up.

"I'm so sorry love." Draco whispered. He dropped a kiss on Harry's head. He stirred. Draco took Harry's hand in his own, caressing his knuckles. He'd pushed him away, the only person who truly cared for him. But he wasn't in a state to battle with his emotions. Harry Potter was simply the most beautiful man Draco had laid eyes on.

A disturbing thought crossed his mind. He was bad for Harry. He dismissed those thoughts. He belonged with him right? There was nobody he'd rather be with. For him, it was either Potter or nobody. Only that man could bring out the best in Draco. He'd raised all the wrongs and made them right.

Harry's eyes opened, adjusting themselves for a while.

Guilt. It hit Draco terribly. Harry's eyes focused on him and he smiled warmly at Draco.

"Hey." Harry said. "How long was I out?" He sat up, struggling a little.

"Forty five minutes." Draco managed.

"Well damn, I promised Sirius I'd cook with him." Harry said.

"You crack your skull open and you're worried about cooking with your godfather?" Sirius' voice echoed from behind.

"Er...yes?" He replied. Sirius laughed. Draco smiled weakly. He couldn't face Harry, not after what he'd done.

"You're resting young man." Sirius declared.

"No, I've had worse. I'll live. Can we still cook?" Harry asked. His enthusiasm was endearing. "I know you've had worse because you're so much like James, it's not even funny. But I've asked Kreacher to make lunch, so you are not leaving that bed." Sirius replied. Draco hummed in agreement.

"I'm not gonna sit here staring at the ceiling all day!" Harry protested.

"What do you suggest we do?"

"I'm going out to get a PlayStation." Harry said. A what? Sirius shook his head. "You can't."

"What's a PlayStation?" Draco asked.

"A computer thing you can play games on." Sirius explained. "What do you want to play mega mutilation three?"

Harry chuckled. "How many times did you read that letter?"

"Quite a few. If you behave, I'll ask Remus to get that for you." Sirius said. Draco was literally confused. Harry laughed. "That confused huh?" Draco shrugged. Harry looked alright, but almost immediately collapsed on the bed again.

"You alright?" Sirius asked.

"A little light headed." Draco shot up and rushed towards his bedroom. The guilt was overwhelming. Harry was pretending that nothing had happened, but Draco couldn't. He shut himself in, breathing heavily. Must Potter be a saint all the time? A panic attack? Really? He couldn't breathe for a while and his vision went completely out of focus. No, this couldn't be happening right now. He couldn't gain control over himself. He heard a knock on his door, but it sounded almost distant. He didn't deserve Harry's love. He'd hurt him, both emotionally and physically. There was a knock again.

"Dray, let me in. I can't stand much longer." His voice. That anchored Draco where he was. He opened the door, and Harry's emerald green eyes seemed to calm him down. His breathing became steady, his body was composed. Funny how Harry made everything seem alright. Made him feel alright. He kissed him, hesitant but passionately.


"Shh. Just go back to kissing me." 

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