Chapter Five

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Hogsmeade was very pleasant at this time of the year. It was beautiful, cozy and as always, snowy. Ron was leading the way. He was very demanding here. Harry and Hermione would usually follow him around, because he got cranky if they didn't. Ron wanted to drink butterbeer and he wanted to go to the Three broomsticks. That's exactly what was going to happen and if anyone came in the way then you'd face Ronald Weasley's wrath.

"How far is your Potions essay Harry?" Hermione asked.

"I have no idea what to write Herm." He replied. She scoffed. She had written a lot and she was going to write more. Which was surprising since there wasn't much to write. Snape had spared them this week and they were more than grateful.

"Hermione Jean Granger, we are not talking about homework." Ron announced.

They silently agreed to wait till Ron had some butterbeer. They entered the Three Broomsticks and placed their orders. Hermione wanted some ginger in hers. Ron broke the silence by asking him about Quidditch. It was painful to talk about it. Umbridge really was a gigantic pink toad, who had probably swallowed pink lip gloss, trying to destroy Harry's life because she was simply pathetic. After their drinks arrived, the drank in silence. His mind was elsewhere. He was wondering why Malfoy had asked him to meet near the lake. Truth be told, he was looking forward to it. He felt a little less lost around Draco. A little bit happier.

Not that Ron and Hermione didn't make him happy. They were just very careful with what they said to him. They were terrified if he was mad. They didn't know how to react. Draco was a stubborn guy, who didn't flinch at the sight of Harry or fail to believe that Voldemort was actually back. He was the only one who did. His friends were doubtful about it, but they supported him and that did count for something. They were walking back to the castle when Ron decided to annoy Hermione. She punched him in the gut and he fell on his back. Harry was laughing so much, his sides hurt. Hermione was trying to keep a straight face, till Ron collapsed again and she was laughing even more than him. Moments later, Harry realized that Draco was staring from a distance. He was smirking. He winked at Harry again, which made him look wildly attractive.

'What the hell are you thinking about Harry' He asked himself. He looked away. Ron was still struggling to get up, so she ordered him around, until he finally managed to stand with some support. Harry's eyes searched Malfoy again, but he wasn't there.

"What are you looking at?" she asked. Ron was leaning against her. Harry noticed that her cheeks were bright red. He shrugged. "Nothing, let's go." He said.

They carried Ron to the common room and placed him on the couch. He was still groaning.

"Honestly Ronald, stop being so dramatic." she said.

Ron scoffed. "You're evil 'mione" He said.

"I'll punch you once again if you don't stop acting like a spoiled brat." She challenged. Ron stopped yelling and barking a whatever the hell he was doing.

After completing their essays, they were headed to the great hall. Ron was annoyed with Hermione, so she went ahead with Ginny.

"Remind me not to cross her ever again." He said.

"Ron I thought you had learnt your lesson the last time." Harry said.

"I might've forgotten that. She can be scary sometimes."

Harry shook his head in disbelief. Ron gave him an eye roll. Hermione gradually forgave Ron at Dinner and even managed to laugh at his jokes. Harry didn't have much of an appetite. Then they went back to the common room. Ron defeated him in chess thrice, flattering himself, like he'd promised. At 11, they headed back to their dormitories. Seamus didn't create a scene. Dean on the other hand, yelled at Harry because he had received a howler from his mum, asking him to return back at once because of Harry Potter. He let it slide.

At eleven twenty, he snuck out with his invisibility cloak. And sure enough, Draco Malfoy was waiting for him. Graceful as ever, he walked towards Harry and smiled. A genuine smile.

"Hey." He said.

"Hey Potter. Your friend had a nice ride in Hogsmeade yeah?" Draco snickered.

Harry rolled his eyes at him.

"Shut up Malfoy." He yelled.

"Easy. I was just making a joke."

"Why did you call me here?" Harry asked.

"No reason. I figured you'd come here anyway."

Harry nodded. Obviously he was going to come here. He always did. The wind was cold against his face. His hand was freezing. His hair was practically dancing. He looked at Malfoy.

"You want me to teach you how to conjure a full bodied Patronus, don't you?" Harry asked.

Malfoy grinned. "You're not totally oblivious Potter." He stated.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing. You'll teach me?"


"You don't sound so sure Scarhead." Harry shrugged.

"What's your Patronus?" Malfoy asked.

"A stag."

He nodded, in admiration.

"Potter, do we start or what?"

"Sure. Draco, If you want a full bodied Patronus, you will have to think about your most happy memory and allow it to fill you up. When it does, cast the spell. Make sure it's a strong one."

He nodded. Draco took a few moments to compose himself. He closed his eyes and started breathing gently. Harry was gazing at him, wondering how was Malfoy so utterly...perfect. His hair was floating with the wind. His physique was thin and his clothes were straight. His pale skin and blonde hair were so beautiful. He looked peaceful and at ease. Harry realized that his stance wasn't quite what he was hoping for. He went closer to him.

"Um Malfoy...allow me." He said.

Draco froze. Harry was very close to Malfoy. He was breathing on his neck. He placed his hand on Draco's waist. He was awfully stiff.

"Ease up Draco. Concentrate." Harry whispered. Harry could see his face clearly. It was beautiful. Angelic. Harry was staring.

He looked away soon enough. He ran his hand down Draco's spine. He eased up a little. He extended his arm and held Draco's hand.

"Try it now." Harry whispered in his ear.

'Expecto Patronum'

He moved Draco's hand with just the right flourish and a beautiful dragon shot out of his wand. It was fierce, yet graceful. Just like Draco.

Harry's hand dropped as soon as he realized what had happened. He stepped away slowly. Draco's gaze was fixed on his Patronus for now. It started fading away slightly.

"That was beautiful." Harry said. 'As were you' He wanted to say.

"Thank you Harry." Draco said, gently.

"Yeah problem. I'll get going." He said.

Draco nodded. Harry started walking away. He felt Draco's gaze on him. Harry stopped and turned.

"If you don't mind me asking, what were you thinking about?" Harry asked.

Draco looked into his eyes. Harry shivered. His lips parted, but were drawn into a thin line almost as quickly.

"Never mind....I'll just-

"You" Draco exhaled. 

Where We Come alive (A Drarry fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang