Chapter Seven

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"You complete ass Harry Potter." Hermione yelled. She hit his arm thrice with a hardcover book that she had been reading. Apparently, they were worried sick about him because he hadn't shown up for hours. It's not like he could admit that he had been snogging Malfoy. Ron would probably throw a tantrum or have a breakdown. After an intense make out session, Harry had kissed him on the cheek and then he had been wandering about the castle so that Hermione and Ron wouldn't suspect anything. He was regretting that now. Harry could clearly see that both his friends were worried about him.

"Yeah mate. I know you need your space but you should have told us eh?" Ron said.

"Okay I'm sorry. I was clearing my head. I didn't want to go all mental." He replied with a apologetic smile.

Hermione raised her eyebrows, but clearly the discussion was over.

"Um....Dinner?" Harry asked

Ron jumped at the opportunity and dragged the both of them to the great hall. Harry's eyes were searching for Malfoy. He was in a deep conversation with Blaise and the others, so he didn't even bat an eye. Harry sat across Ginny and Seamus, facing Ron and Hermione.

"Harry I wanted to apologize for my behavior earlier-

"It's okay Seamus really." Harry replied. He quickly stole a glance at Draco. He was staring.

"Even my mum says that the version in the prophet is not adding up." Seamus added.

"Yeah I know." Harry replied.

"I believe you Harry."

Harry looked at Seamus and smiled politely. Ron was busy eating and Hermione was yelling. This was normal. He was happy to be with his friends. Without the death glares.

"Mate you're not eating anything." Ron said, concerned.

Hermione looked at Harry and ordered him to eat. Harry did. Then Dean told them about Seamus' midnight disaster. Apparently, Seamus had decided to ignore a howler from his mother and it didn't end well. He was laughing with his friends. It really had been a long time.

Suddenly, Ginny was crying and she rushed out of the Hall. Harry looked at Hermione, who shrugged. He ran across the hall quickly, trying to find Ginny.

He figured she'd be somewhere in the corridor. He found her soon enough.

"Gin, what happened?" Harry asked. Her eyes were red, like she had been crying for hours. Harry settled himself beside her. She moved closer to him and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Harry, what would you do, if you loved someone so much, but they didn't return it?"

"I'd go mental Gin. Will you tell me what happened?"

She nodded and started to explain. She was in love with Neville, but he wasn't. He fancied Luna. It was a strange love triangle. Neville was being oblivious of Ginny's feelings towards him and he was asking her for advice. He'd tell her about the time he spent with Luna and it would hurt her so much.

Harry didn't know what to say. It was difficult to navigate a way out of such a situation. But this was Ginny. He couldn't stand to see her like this. He comforted her for about thirty minutes and then she headed to the common room.

"What happened to Ginny?" Hermione asked. It wasn't his story to tell so he just shrugged.

He lost at a game of chess, but that was normal. Ron was satisfied with the game.

He headed to his dormitory at 11, since he had to sneak out later anyway. He wasn't sure if Malfoy would be there. He hadn't talked to him after making out with him. Nevertheless, he headed out at 11:30. Ron was snoring loudly and Seamus was on the edge of the bed, almost about to crack his skull in half. Harry smirked. He did have the best room mates.


"You're late." Draco announced.

Harry smiled. He went over to him, wrapped his arms protectively around him and brushed his lips against Draco's gently. A slow smiled formed on Malfoy's lips.

"I didn't know you'd be here, love." Harry explained, unaware of what he had said. Draco laughed. He placed a quick kiss against Harry's cheek and intertwined his fingers with Harry's.

He was gazing softly at him.

"Malfoy, I should apologize about yesterday." Harry said.

"When you ran away because you were so overwhelmed with my response?" Draco asked, smirking.

"Yeah I didn't know how to react. I thought I was reading too much into things, but then again I probably did know that you fancied me, but I was so confused that I walked away and then I couldn't get you out of my mind especially after I dreamt about you-

Harry paused.

"You dream about me? How adorable." Draco said, clearly blushing.

"Uh...yeah. But I'm sorry." Harry said.

"You're such a prat Potter."

"I'm trying to apologize here."

"Yeah, okay Princess Potter." Draco smiled and closed the distance between them with a deep kiss. His fingers were brushing Harry's hair. Then he pulled away and was looking into Harry's emerald green eyes. Harry pressed his forehead against Draco and softly blushed.

"When did you decide to kiss me dork?" Draco asked as they walked towards the shore.
"When Professor Binns was going on about unicorns I guess."

"Really Potter?"

"Okay. I was thinking about your perfect little face when I-

"You think I have a perfect face?" Draco asked. Harry groaned.

"We can go on and on about what a perfect prat you are okay?"

Draco laughed at that. He pulled Harry closer and kissed his head. Harry shuffled even closer and placed a frantic kiss against Draco's lips. They sat close to each other near the shore, looking at the lake with a comfortable silence between them.

They would laugh and sneer. Draco would try to hold back some rude comment, which would make him clench his jaw and Harry would laugh even harder. They were discussing classes and detentions with toad face. Draco asked if Harry's hand was alright. Harry just shrugged.

"You follow the instructions Potter." Malfoy said as a matter of fact.

"I do. I was just a little distracted." Harry explained.

"Too distracted admiring me?"

"Yeah right." Harry said, sarcastically. He actually had been. Draco brewing potions was a sight for sore eyes. He would frown really hard while reading the instructions. Peaceful while measuring everything in the cauldron and he would bite his lips while stirring. Harry smiled to himself at the memory.

"You were thinking about me." Draco pointed out.

"How did you know?" Harry asked.

"Wild guess Potter."

Harry sighed. Draco peppered his face with kisses.

"You had a distant gaze and you were biting your lip, clearly mirroring me in when I stir the potion." Draco said.

"You're so fit when you do it." Harry muttered.

Harry buried his face against Draco's neck and smiled. He wrapped his arms around Harry. His body was warm in the cold night. Harry Potter was here with Draco Malfoy, it was strange, how they hated each other for years. But it felt right.

They were an imperfect pair and Harry realized that it was beautiful.

Where We Come alive (A Drarry fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora