Chapter Four

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'Not everything is your fault Harry.' Yeah. Draco Lucius Malfoy, Harry Potter's arch nemesis had said those words. At first Harry decided to laugh then he realized that Malfoy was serious. So he just shrugged. Then he headed back to his dormitory. He snuck in carefully, making sure that he didn't create a scene. Hermonie was studying in the common room, but he was so tired that he had to drag himself to his bed. He was restless. He was repeating Malfoy's words in his head over and over again. It was comforting, after all the ruckus that had happened, Harry had blamed himself. Only if his mother hadn't sacrificed herself for him, he wouldn't have to carry all this responsibility on his shoulder. It was one thing to have a death threat lingering over your head and another to be responsible for countless others. Draco had told him the exact words he needed to hear. He wanted to hear. After a few hours, he fell asleep.

'Harry...Harry Potter' It was a voice, almost beckoning him to come near. Voldemort's face appeared before him. He felt helpless.

'Give me the Prophecy.' Harry was still struggling. His body was frozen. He couldn't reach out for his wand, he felt helpless. Voldemort was coming closer...

The dream shifted.

'Kill the spare....Kill the spare' Then green sparks shot out of Wormtail's wand and hit Cedric. Terror ran down Harry's spine as he let it sink in.

Cedric Diggory lay motionless against the ground. Dead.

Harry woke with a start. He was covered in sweat. He was heavily panting. Slowly, he made his way to the bathroom, showered quickly, changed into something casual and headed to the common room. Ron and Hermione greeted Harry with a smile.

"Morning mate! How did you sleep?" Ron asked.

"Quite well Ron." Harry sat across the both of them. They started discussing about classes and Hermione was practically having a panic attack. Ron and Harry assured her that she'd do well.

"Honestly 'mione, you're the last person who should be worried about those weird exams, Ron and I haven't even started." Harry said.

"No way. You're both coming with me to the library this weekend and we are going to study." She said.

Harry groaned and Ron hit his arm. "You had to tell her that, didn't you?" Ron said. Harry laughed. But he wasn't looking forward to studying with Hermione either because she would make sure that they aced every topic. Not to mention, both of them were awful at theory. Ron decided that he was going to make Harry regret this. He didn't doubt him.

"You owe me a game of chess." Ron said.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because you're awful at chess and seeing that you just bloody threw us both under the bus, I want to beat you and flatter myself in the process." Ron said.

Hermione rolled her eyes. Harry shook his head in disbelief.

"Shall we head out for breakfast?" Hermione asked. Ron nodded and looked at Harry.

"You guys go along. I'll see you later. Plus we have to go to Hogsmeade later." Harry said, with a reassuring smile.

"Mate is this about Seamus?" Ron asked, clearly concerned.

"No, I'm just not hungry." He lied. He was hungry, because he hadn't eaten since last night.

Some agreement passed between the other two and they headed out. He headed back to his dormitory. Hedwig wasn't anywhere to be seen, so he started completing his charms essay, about locomotion charms. After an hour, he had written 4 rolls of parchment. Hermione would've been proud. He set it aside and was about to do his potions essay when Hedwig flew in. Harry noticed that he was carrying something. Carefully, he unfolded the note, stroked Hedwig with his thumb and then found another pouch that his owl was carrying.



Didn't see you at breakfast, scarhead. Training for the ballet?

I sent those treacle tarts that you gobble down every morning. Do I need to force feed you?

P.S: I didn't spell them, if that's what you were thinking.


Harry blushed furiously. Were they friends now? Why did Draco care? Nevertheless, he ate the tarts slowly. He decided to write Draco a note.


You're very observant and no, you don't need to force feed me. Yes, I checked them for spells and didn't find any. Thanks I guess. Why are you doing this again?

P.S: I don't gobble.


Then Hedwig flew out of the window with the note. Harry instantly regretted sending that note. What if somebody else found it? They'd both be in deep shit. But he didn't dwell on it. Hermione and Ron came back after some time. Seamus was apparently looking for him. Then she dragged the both of them to the library. They protested, but she was Hermione Granger and she decided that they had to park their butts in the library and study.

Harry asked her to check the charms essay for him and she was pretty impressed. Ron was copying off his. Then Draco walked in and Ron sneered.

"Mind if I sit here?" He asked. He was looking as perfect as ever. He walked with such confidence as if he owned the place. His voice was gentle yet demanding.

Hermione shot a deadly look at Ron, clearly asking him to shut it. Harry buried himself into the book, because he was blushing. Ron elbowed Harry and gave him a look. He smirked. Malfoy was just adjacent to Harry and he frowned, trying to concentrate. Hermione went somewhere to look for charms references and Ron followed her, wanting to get away from the Slytherin.

"You do gobble, you know?"

Harry sighed. He looked at Draco. "I don't." He replied.

He chuckled. "I sent the tarts because you helped me with the spell Potter."

"Oh." Harry said.

"Were you expecting something else Scarhead?" Draco asked.

"I dunno." He replied.

"You're oblivious Potter." He sighed. Harry shrugged.

There was an uncomfortable silence between them. Then Draco was scribbling something on his parchment. Harry went back to reading. Hermione came back with three books.

"Are you checking this out for a bit of light reading?" Harry asked, sarcastically. Ron was trying not to burst out. She shot them another glare and they decided shut up. They had learnt a long time ago, not to cross her. Ever.

Harry noticed Draco slide something into his bag. He winked and walked away. Harry's cheeks flushed. After an hour, they decided to head back to the tower. Slowly, Harry pulled out the small piece of parchment.

Meet me at the black lake at 11:30 PM.

P.S: Don't miss dinner. 

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