Chapter Nineteen

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"How are yer three?" Hagrid asked. "I haven't seen you lot since yer came back eh?"

The trio was visiting Hagrid, he was a dear friend and it had been long since they'd paid him a visit. He was the first wizard Harry had ever met. He was also the first person to get him a birthday cake.

"I want yeh to follow me into the forest." Harry was startled. Hagrid had a particular fascination towards magical creatures. Correction: Deadly magical creatures. They were wondering what new creature were they going to meet today, probably die in the process. When they went a little deeper into the forest, they thought that this was it, they were so dead. Standing before them, was a sixteen feet tall giant, Grawp, Hagrid had called him.

"He's my brother!" He exclaimed. They were beyond terrified.

"Yer need to look after him incase Umbridge sacks me." He added.

"Hagrid, we can't possibly have him here!" Hermione yelled. Grawp was aggressive, he didn't agree with Hemione. His huge hand circled around her body as he lifted her up. Hermione screamed.

They were protesting, yelling, shouting and whatnot. Hermione drew a stern expression.

"GRAWP! PUT. ME. DOWN. NOW." She demanded. He softened a little and put her down gently. They disapproved of having him here, but Hagrid really did care about him, so they finally agreed. Hagrid was grateful and that's what mattered.


Ginny Weasley was impressive. Harry was proud. She'd cast a powerful Reducto and had blown that magical Knight to pieces. They'd been throwing random enchantments at it, even Neville was doing well. Cho was shooting death glares to Harry. Well, Ron found this really hilarious. She'd told everyone that she was the one to have dumped Harry. Yeah right. As if.

"Okay, great work guys. We've learnt quite a lot together. I'll be teaching you the Patronus charms next week. Keep it up!" Harry said. It had been a wonderful experience. Teaching the others made him a tad bit happier.

Hermione led them back to the common room, asking them to study for the OWL'S. They groaned loudly. She told Harry that Draco had been in the library all morning, studying. Harry frowned. He hoped it wasn't because of the Slytherins. He knew that Malfoy wouldn't tell him if anything was wrong. It's not like you'd get friends who'd stand by you there. At least he had Hermione and Ron, plus the other Gryffindors. But Slytherins were just arrogant pricks who worried only about themselves. Except Draco of course.

She did not let them leave for the next three hours. Ron was falling asleep and Harry was bored out of his mind. Then she let them go to the great hall for Dinner. The classes had been shortened anyway, because their exams were coming up. Hermione was intent on memorizing every word. Harry and Ron really couldn't care less.

He helped himself to some mashed potatoes, a few tarts, chicken and of course he stayed away from the humbugs. His eyes travelled to the Slytherin table. Draco wasn't there. He hadn't even seen Draco at lunch. He wondered if Blaise had actually done something again.

Hermione was shocked when Harry said that he was going to the library, but then she realized that he wanted to look for Draco, so she let him go. He spotted him immediately. He was hard to miss with his platinum blonde hair, falling on his face. Harry went up to him and brushed his hair behind his ear.

"Shit. Sorry Draco." Harry whispered. Draco chuckled. NO PUBLIC DISPLAYS OF AFFECTION, Harry screamed internally.

"It's alright. Where were you all day?" Draco asked.

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