Chapter Six

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Harry stood there, completely frozen. Draco's gaze dropped to the ground. Harry's mind was a fury of thoughts. He had finally conjured a Patronus and he had been thinking about Harry. His legs were numb and he didn't know what to say. He was pleased and confused. Draco's grey eyes were now scanning Harry's, looking for something. Some emotion. But his eyes were blank. He was still processing. Draco was almost about to say something, when Harry cut him off.

"'kay, cool." Harry said. Then he drew the invisibility cloak over himself, Draco turned, clearly wanting be alone for the moment. So, he navigated his way to the castle and to his dormitory alone.

He couldn't sleep. Of course he couldn't. He should've stayed with Draco. He had chickened out of the conversation. Maybe Draco had been thinking about all the times he had bullied Harry. He realized that he was reading too much into things. He was taken aback and was totally overwhelmed. Maybe Draco did fancy him. Or maybe he didn't. Maybe this was all just a joke.

After some time, he fell asleep.

They were racing on the Quidditch pitch, laughing and yelling. Draco was flying gracefully on his broom he was smirking at Harry's attempts to get ahead of him. They landed after sometime.

"You did lose gracefully Malfoy." Harry chuckled.

"Oh please! I let you win on purpose." He pouted.

"Did you now?" Harry asked, playfully.

Then Draco took a step towards Harry, closing the distance between them. He gently placed his hand on Harry's cheek and leaned in....

Ron yelled loudly, "Harry wake up, we're going to be late for class."

Harry immediately woke up, realizing that he had double potions and Snape was not forgiving. Ron had managed to get him some tarts. Harry finished them off quickly and headed to potions. Luckily, Snape wasn't there yet. Hermione raised her eyebrows and then shrugged. Harry's eyes scanned the room. He was there, beside Blaise, reading something.

"What were you both doing?" Hermione asked.

"I overslept." He lied. His head was throbbing intensely because he hadn't slept well. Ron nodded in agreement. Snape entered the classroom and everyone was utterly quiet.

They were brewing the wit sharpening potion and from the looks of it, everyone except Draco and Hermione were struggling to get it right.

Draco was focused. He was doing it with such precision that it was intimidating. His hair fell forward. Harry had the sudden urge to brush it back into place. Then Draco bit his lip and Harry couldn't take it any longer so he went back to brewing whatever the hell it is they they were. He knew that they were going to screw it up anyway so they didn't bother.

"Everyone, please use Potter's and Weasley's potion as an example of what not to do." Snape stated.

Harry rolled his eyes as the entire class snickered.

"Blimey mate, I'll go mental." Ron said. Harry nodded in agreement. Snape wasn't impressed with their potion. He had occlumency lessons with Snape this Thursday and he'd rather tolerate another potions class that let Snape enter his mind, because Dumbledore had asked him and Harry hadn't protested.

Snape was pretty satisfied with Draco's potion and gave something of an approval to Hermione. Then they headed to History of magic which didn't matter anyway because the Professor was a ghost and uninterested himself. Harry's mind wandered back to Draco. Malfoy was handsome. With his annoyingly gorgeous eyes, wildly attractive face, that perfect nose and intimidating confidence. He imagined what it would be like, to kiss him. Strangely, he found the thought to be pleasant.

He thought of the look on Malfoy's face when he had conjured the Patronus. His peaceful face when he was trying to concentrate. The sexual tension when Harry would come close to him. Harry realized that he was blushing. He was also hard. Hard and thinking about Malfoy.

He did come to a conclusion.

Harry Potter fancied Draco Malfoy and he was in so much trouble.

"Mischief managed."

Harry advanced towards the empty bathroom. His heart was beating faster than usual. He had no idea what he was about to do. He had probably lost his mind or he was dreaming. He was nervous, but felt pretty bold at the same time. That was Gryffindor trait. He immediately spotted him. Harry's couldn't breathe. He felt a strong desire in his chest, trying to crawl out.

He was looking at himself in the mirror, his platinum blonde hair, completely messed up. He caught Harry's eye in the mirror.

"Come here to gloat?" He asked.

Harry shook his head.

"How did you find me?" Draco asked.

Harry dodged that question. He had no intention on letting Malfoy know about the map. It was his most prized possession after all.

"Draco I-

Draco cut him off. "Don't." He hissed.

Harry stopped in his tracks. Then in a spur of moment, he pushed Draco towards the wall, closed the distance between them with an intense kiss. Draco froze. Then he leaned in and kissed him back. His hands curled around Harry's waist as he pulled him closer. He tasted like apples. Draco's lips were soft and gentle against his. Harry bit his bottom lip, Malfoy gasped, allowing Harry's tongue to enter. They fought for dominance, and naturally, Harry won. He explored Malfoy's mouth with hunger. It was passionate and full of desire. He smiled against Malfoy's lips. His hand slid into Malfoy's hair, combing it gently.

Then they broke apart, gasping for air.


"Draco I'm so sorry I just-

Draco cut him off with a chaste kiss. Harry's eyes were wide as saucers.

"You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that." Draco said.

Harry blushed. Draco pulled him closer and kissed his forehead. Never did he ever think that he'd fall for Draco Malfoy, his arch nemesis. But he did suppose it was right. They had been obsessed with each other since their first year.

He leaned in again. His soft lips brushing against Harry's.

"Harry" He whispered. And that's all he could say between the breathless kisses. 

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