Chapter Thirty Two

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Draco could see the pain in Harry's eyes, while they were pleading him to stay. He couldn't do that, he couldn't let anyone hurt the man he loved. And he couldn't let himself hurt him either. He'd realized that he wasn't good for him, that he was a bad influence on him. It took all of his willpower to stop himself from telling Harry that everything was going to be alright. Because it wasn't. It was never going to be. It pained him to see that Potter was holding back a lot of emotions at the moment. He bit his lip, waiting for a response.

"Leave." Harry croaked. Draco gave him a slight nod, but he went towards Harry, placing his lips gently on Harry's. It broke him to see how Harry was trying to hold himself back, not giving in. He pulled apart, pushing Draco away, his eyes still closed.

"I love you Harry." Draco said. "And I wouldn't change that for the world."

"You already are." He replied, his voice cracking with every word. "You're changing everything only because you want to."

"I don't have a choice baby." Draco whispered. Harry didn't say another word. He just watched Draco, giving him another chance to reconsider. But he knew, as long as he was here, and fought by Harry's side, he'd only be putting him in more danger. He'd only hurt him. He would only make it worse.

"I won't stop you." Harry exhaled. Draco could clearly see the lie. "I promised to protect you Dray, and if you change your mind, I'll be there."

"There'll be no turning back love." Draco chuckled. "You innocence is admirable. But maybe, one day, you'll know why I'm doing all this." He placed a hand on Harry's cheek, looking at those emerald green eyes, with every bit of love he had. He wiped the tears gently, and pressed his forehead against Harry.

"I can't watch you leave." He sniffed. "I can't let you go Dray. Please, just stay." He hated the fact that Harry understood his reasons so well and didn't try to convince him otherwise. Didn't try to tell him that he was wrong. All the bullshit he'd said about Harry's parents, for not understanding his reasons, that wasn't even close to the truth. There was nobody in the world who understood him better than Harry.

"Maybe after all this is over, when you win the war, I'll be waiting for you. If you'll take me of course." Draco said, his voice was throaty as well. He didn't want to let go. He wasn't doing this for his father. This, was for Harry. But he couldn't know that, not so soon. Or he'd never let him go. Harry nodded. Hesitantly, he placed a kiss on Draco's lips. He scanned Harry's face, gently carding his fingers through his jet black hair. He would never love anyone so much. Harry James Potter had secured a permanent place in his heart.

"Stay. Please." Harry begged, sobbing uncontrollably.

"I'm sorry. If my father dies-

"What if I do?"

Draco froze. He couldn't think about losing Harry. All he knew, is that if he stayed, he'll be hurting him only worse. That he'll probably be the reason for Harry's death. "My responsibility is to protect my father, you are more than capable to take care of yourself." He said bitterly. "You'll never know."

"Maybe I don't. Maybe it's because I don't have parents and that I lost them to Voldemort a long time ago that I don't fully understand your responsibility to your father. That I will never understand why you want to protect him after all that he's done. Because I am the reason people die, that maybe your mother's death was entirely my fault. But after he tortured you, after all that he did, I just...I don't understand you Dray. I really don't." Harry said hastily.

"You understand me perfectly Harry. You're just not seeing reason right now." Draco replied softly. "I don't want to let go of you. But you have to understand-

Where We Come alive (A Drarry fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें