Chapter Eleven

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"Neville you're flourishing your wand too much. Just do it this way." Harry demonstrated the correct way to disarm your opponent. Fred whistled. Hermione got it right in the first attempt because she was Hermione Granger and she was like an encyclopedia of charms, spells, potions and god knows what. Ron tried a few times then Hermione took pity on him and taught him how to do it correctly.

Fred and George had probably done this before because they got it right the first time. Seamus was doing well and Ginny was fantastic. Dean was trying, Padma and Parvati Patil were helping Neville. The Room of requirement had given them exactly the space they required.

"Disarm only. Do not send your opponent tumbling down the room. Keep going Seamus." Harry encouraged.

"A disarming spell is a wizard's bread and butter really. Don't flourish it too much Dean." "Fantastic Luna." "Focus Smith." He was going on and on for an hour till almost everyone got it right.

"Alright! That'll be it for today. You all did very well. We'll let you know when to meet next." Harry smiled at all of them.

"That went well." Hermione said. Neville was looking at a photograph that Sirius had given to him. Harry had put up before starting their sessions. The original Order of the Phoenix. He asked Ron and Hermione to go along.

"A few years ago another witch named Bellatrix Lestrange tortured my parents. They've been in St. Mungo's ever since. They don't even recognize me Harry." Neville said. Harry nodded. She'd tortured them so much that they'd become insane. It was painful for Neville to remember. He had been living with his grandmother since then. It was one thing to be an orphan and another to have parents who don't recognize you.

"We're going to make them proud Neville. That's a promise."


Draco was humming softly, his body leaning against a tree. He didn't know Harry was there. He had come near the lake very slowly, without making any sound. Malfoy was, stunning as usual. His platinum blonde hair was perfect compared to Harry's messy jet black hair. His eyes were startling, even more so at night. Harry moved slowly and wrapped his arm around Draco's waist, his chin resting on his shoulder.

"That was beautiful." Harry whispered.

"Potter, you have a death wish." He always had a death wish. Not having a death wish was a rare privilege and it was not applicable in his case. He just smiled innocently at Draco, which made him laugh.

"I haven't seen you all day. Where were you?" Draco inquired. Harry inhaled sharply. He hesitated.

"I...okay...well...alright, so Hermione dragged me to Hogsmeade with her three weeks ago and then we formed an organization because Umbridge decided that Voldemort isn't back, but really he is so a few of us decided to write down our names on a piece of parchment to join Dumbledore's Army, that's what we're calling it anyway and like you mentioned that I have a death wish, so I know a lot of spells, therefore, I am teaching them and today was our first meeting." Harry explained hastily.

Draco shook his head in disbelief.

"Is Chang a part of your whatever the hell you're calling it?" Draco asked.

"I tell you all this and you're worried about Cho?"

"Merlin no! I am just-

"Jealous." Harry concluded.

"I swear to god Potter-

Harry cut him off with a deep kiss. Malfoy being his annoying, insufferable self was intolerable but he was adorable when he was jealous. Then they walked over to the shore. Of course there had to be that stupid rock again. Harry fell and Draco was laughing.

Where We Come alive (A Drarry fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora