Chapter Eighteen

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Cho Chang did not take it well. Harry blamed Hermione. He could've just ignored Cho, but she went on and on about how he owed her an explanation and that it wouldn't be fair to her. Of course. Stupid mistletoe. Had he not been so miserable after his breakup with Malfoy, he wouldn't have snogged her. Stupid Malfoy. Had Ron not nudged him, he wouldn't have talked to her after their practice session. Stupid Ron.

"I think we should see other people." Harry blurted.

She went completely rigid, her face went red, then she raised her eyebrows and slapped Harry. Ouch.

Ron and Hermione found this entirely amusing. Draco was laughing from a distance.

"You are an ass Harry Potter." She screamed. He was, really. He didn't put up an argument there. She walked off loudly.

"Well damn." Harry said the others joined him. "I'm heartbroken."

Draco snorted, "You want me to kiss and make it better?"

"Shut up Malfoy." Harry said.

"Make me."

"I don't know if you are going to snog or murder each other." Ron declared. Draco and Ron were acquaintances at the most. They were tolerating each other because of Harry. He supposed that Hermione had talked Ron through it or probably threatened him.

Harry pulled Draco into a deep kiss, he chuckled against Harry's mouth, pulling him closer. He pulled away before they got too intense.

"This one time Potter, because you are heartbroken. I do not like public displays of affection." Draco said in that authoritative tone of his. Of course he didn't.

"Are you two official?" Ron asked. Harry went completely silent, drew his lips in a thin line. Draco curled his hand around Harry's waist and kissed his head.

"I suppose we could say that." He replied. Harry smiled warmly against his neck.

"I have to go Potter." He kissed him quickly. "I love you." Harry blushed. The feeling never never got old.

"I love you too."

He headed to class and the trio went to the library, because they didn't want trouble considering Harry was being targeted by that old hag. She asked Harry to meet her after class, she questioned him about so called 'illicit activities' and how he'd get in trouble if he was behind any of this.

Ron decided that he could murder Umbridge and make it look like a nasty accident. Maybe they could ask Aragog for help, because dealing with a giant spider would be a lot easier than with the toad face. Harry couldn't have agreed more.

Hermione was studying and didn't appreciate the interruption, so they decided to plot a murder later.

Harry was already missing his godfather. He was missing his sarcastic statements, his sense of humor and how much he'd made Harry feel like he was home. The Dursley's had never treated him well. After being with Sirius, he actually understood how important family was. How being away from them was a terrible feeling. He was, after all, Harry's last living family. Sirius would make all of Harry's favorites. He wanted to live with Sirius after the term ended and he was going to be his stubborn self and convince him. He would rather live in a hole than with the Dursley's. Or even in a cave.

"Harry! You're not studying. Stop daydreaming." Hermione whispered. He didn't want to study, he never got the hang of potions. They were impossible to understand.

"Help me then." He replied.

"No, teaching you potions is like explaining magic to dimwitted muggles." She snapped. She was really trying to concentrate. Ron was just staring blankly at the book.

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