Chapter Twenty Six

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Harry was groaning internally. Others were probably screaming. Internally, of course. They were writing their final exam. Charms wasn't Harry's favorite subject, but it was better than potions. They'd spent the last week preparing for the last paper. Draco was perfectly nursed back to health, looking as dashing as usual. Umbridge was standing before them as they wrote their answers, totally dressed in pink. He could've given her all his money just so she'd stop wearing pink all the damn time. It was really painful.

Suddenly there was a loud explosion at a distance. The students turned their head for a moment before going back to writing.

There was another loud explosion, this time even closer. Harry grinned. The Weasley twins swooped in on their brooms, with their Weasley firecrackers. The parchments were flying around everywhere, everyone started cheering. Umbridge failed to silence all of them. The twins had dared to cross her and now everyone else was following their lead. Even Hermione joined them, despite preparing for the exams so much. Draco was hooting. He pushed past the other students and made his way to Harry. He pulled Harry closer, kissed him deeply. Umbridge's jaw dropped to the floor and of course the other students. The twins cheered loudly. Harry was immensely enjoying this. He pulled away, staring deeply into Draco's eyes.

"I love you Potter." Draco said loud enough for everyone to hear.

Neville probably fainted, because Ginny was laughing hysterically at the reactions of the other students.

"I don't know what's gotten into you, but I love you too." Harry drawled.

"Mr. Potter and Mr. Malfoy-

Umbridge was interrupted by a giant fire dragon making it's way towards her. The twins were annoying the Slytherins as well. She ran out, screaming and yelling. They rushed outside, hooting, screeching, shouting, cheering and what not. Cho looked at Draco and Harry, clearly confused.

"He's mine Chang." Draco sneered. Harry chuckled. She ran towards Edgecombe, probably to complain about what an arse Harry was.

"You knew about this, didn't you?" Harry asked. Fred and George must've told him.

"Of course." Draco said "They told me about a few days ago. I thought I could make us completely official as well." He winked. Harry blushed. Umbridge was screaming about all the rules and discipline, but nobody cared. They were completely ignoring her.

Suddenly, Harry stumbled backwards, his vision went completely blur.

Voldemort was holding a wand exactly an inch away from Sirius' face.

"Where is the prophecy?"

"I will die before I tell you." Sirius croaked.

"Very well. Crucio." Sirius was screaming in pain, while Voldemort was asking him about the prophecy constantly.

Hermione and Draco rushed towards him constantly calling his name. Harry straightened up, processing what he's just seen.

"Sirius. He's got Sirius. You-know-who." He explained. Fear washed over him. Sirius was his only living family, if Voldemort killed him...

"Where is he?" Hermione asked.

"There was a door I've been dreaming about for months. I think that's where he is." He had been dreaming about a black door, never actually going inside it.

"Maybe we should think this through." Draco said.

"No! I'm not letting anything happen to Sirius. I'm going right now." He snapped.

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