Chapter Twenty Four

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OWL's were pretty tough, but thanks to Hermione, the other two had managed to write something. They were done with DADA, Potions and transfiguration. Divination too but that wasn't great. They hadn't taken Hagrid's OWL's. Only History of Magic and charms remained. Draco and Hermione were debating per usual. Harry and Ron had grown tired of them studying all the time. They were literally no fun at all.

"Ronald! Ronald! Wake up." Harry groaned. "Voice down 'mione. I'm still not awake and you're already yelling." He snuggled closer to Draco, burying his head in the crook of his neck. Draco let out a chuckle.

"Come on love, you're not getting off easy either." Draco mused.

"You're both atrocious. You're ruining our sleep over those god awful exams." Harry snapped. "Easy." Draco whispered. He was, frustrated. Why did they have to write exams? He no longer woke up screaming, thanks to Draco. He didn't have those recurring nightmares. Or probably Voldemort had decided to finally-no pun intended-stop poking his nose into Harry's life.

"Harry James Potter and Ronald Bilius Weasley, wake up right the hell NOW!" Hermione warned. Harry shuffled in his bed, but didn't wake up. Seamus asked her to keep it down. She did not. "Now."

Ron didn't budge whatsoever, he was snoring loudly. Draco carded his fingers through Harry's hair, placing a kiss on his forehead.

"Dray, let me sleep, please?" Harry said in his most innocent way possible.

"I would let you honey, but I do not want Granger to break my nose again." He said. "Also, really wake up. You haven't been studying at all."

"There's this really powerful wizard trying to kill me, a pink teacher making my life a living hell and you're worried about my education?" Harry asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Yes. I am." Draco said, trying to keep a straight face, but immediately started laughing. Harry grinned. He loved making him laugh and smile for even the most stupidest reasons. His eyes would have a glint and his cheeks would have a soft blush on them. A sight really.

"You're staring." Draco pointed out.

"I'm gazing."

"It's creepy."

"It's romantic."

Draco punched him playfully on his arm, Harry threw a pillow on his face. They tangled themselves in each other, giggling hysterically as they fought.

"You're so beautiful Draco." Harry nuzzled against him. Draco shook his head in disbelief.

"You already owe me a date. Is this your way of saying Not today?" Harry laughed. Draco and Harry were having this stupid argument about dragons and then about who's a better seeker. Harry had annoyed the shit out of him and he promised that he would make it up to him. "You're not chickening out."


"Don't babe me, You owe me that date." Draco interrupted.

"I have to help the twins. They finally have a plan. This is for the greater good!"

"Greater good? I'm your boyfriends for merlin's sake. I'm the greatest good you're ever going to get!"

Harry laughed. "Dray, I love you. So much." He kissed him softly.

"Don't think this gets you out of it." Draco growled.


"Piss off."

"You piss off."

Harry finally had to get out of bed. Hermione wasn't happy about the time they had wasted. PRECIOUS TIME, according to her. Draco was mad. Harry decided to tell the twins that he wouldn't be a part of their super secret plan to get Umbridge thrown out or at least have fun at her expense. The twins had managed to trouble the inquisitorial squad. They suddenly had pimples and acne all over their face. They were so mad, it was hilarious. They were looking out for the twins but had no evidence whatsoever. Plotting would've been fun, but Draco was a priority.

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