Chapter Sixteen

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"Ron will you stop touching your hair?" Hermione yelled. "It's bloody PINK!" He screamed at her.

"You don't see me touching my beard. It's literally Purple." Sirius pointed out. Draco was trying to hold back a chuckle, he still wasn't comfortable around Ron and Hermione.

"You look fit Sirius." Ron replied.

"Just one of my many specialties." Sirius bowed. Harry laughed. Sirius was a great cook, he had made some bouillabaisse for lunch, it was delicious. He told him that Harry's mother had taught him how to make it, when they were visiting her in the holidays, before their sixth year. That's when she'd first introduced James Potter to her family.

"Her sister was awfully nosy."

"Naturally. She keeps spying on the neighbors, with that long neck of hers." Harry said.

Ron found this very strange, "So she just looks into their house just to see how they go about their day?"

"And gather some juicy gossip in the processes." Harry replied.


Draco was awfully quiet. Harry realized that it was about time that Ron and Hermione knew. He looked at Sirius. Thankfully, he understood and asked Draco to accompany him to the library.

"I need to tell you something. Well I thought it could wait, but Voldemort is probably plotting my death or something or maybe Umbridge will kill me before he does-

"Easy Harry, we know it's about Draco." Hermione said.

Harry closed his eyes and composed himself just like Narcissa had, it helped with the nerves.

"Draco and I...are together." Harry said. "We're dating."

Hermione was startled. She was still processing. Ron yelled. "NO!"

"Yes Ron, we are and before you react can you let me explain everything?" Hermione nudged Ron to shut up. He protested for a moment before she threatened to use a lockjaw charm.

He told them about the first time he'd met Malfoy near the lake and everything that followed.

"I told you that he was good for no-

"Shut up Ronald." Hermione yelled. Harry was grateful.

He told them about what Narcissa had shown him, even Ron went completely still after that. After he was done, Hermione looked at him and sniffed.

"Thank you for telling us Harry, I'm sure he means well-

"He is Draco fucking Malfoy, he never means well." Ron shouted. Harry decided to let it slide. It wasn't easy to digest.

"Ron honestly, did you know that he helped us in our second year? Draco was secretly the person to place the final clue-containing sheet of paper into my hand after I had been petrified by the basilisk. He stood up to his abusive father. He's clearly doing all this for Harry. I know he has been mean to us, bullied us even, but he's changed. He was put under the cruciatus curse by his own father, just to tell Harry that he doesn't stand by his father." Hermione said.

"He called you a Mudblood Hermione." Ron said, his anger rising by the minute.

"If I can put my pride aside here, I'm sure that you can do much better than me Ronald."

Harry knew that Hermione wasn't completely okay with it either, she was just keeping things together at the moment. It took a lot of convincing. Ron was okay with Harry being gay, but not with Malfoy. Finally Hermione told him to let it go.

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