Episode 75: TTG vs PPG

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Me: Hello everyone and welcome to the 75th Episode of Ask or Dare: Cartoon and Anime All-Stars!

*the Toddler Titans appears*

Go Robin: Oh Duraannd...

Me: Oh god...

Blossom: Is that who I think it is?!



Go Starfire: To get the revenge on you for ruining the Christmas for us!

Kim: How are you even alive?! Durand literally KILLED you all! And also, quit using the in EVERY sentence you make, Starfire!

Go Raven:

Maya: You guys are PERMANENTLY banned from this show! So GET OUT OF HERE! I MEAN IT!

Go Cyborg: We're not going anywhere until we crush Durand for good!

Blossom: Well too bad! It's NEVER gonna happen!

Buttercup: Let's get em!

Go Robin: TITANS, GO!!

Bubbles: That's what you get!

*the Toddler Titans collapse*

Me: Take em away.

Buttercup: With pleasure.

*the Powerpuff Girls take the Toddler Titans out of the studio and throw them in a nearby river, then stick their tongues at them*

Me: Where'd you drop them?

Blossom: A river. Let's hope they drown.

Me: Yep! 😊

*Logan appears*

Logan: Hey guys!

Me: Hey Logan! What do you have for us today?

Logan: For my first question, Yumi, if you met a guy who crushed on you, tries to hypnotize you into loving you and he WASN'T your style, what would you do?

Yumi: Kick him in the balls, duh!

Logan: Well now, for my next question, would you guys rather be the size of a LEGO or Godzilla?

Chloe: I'd be the size of Godzilla, but only if Deondre's can be the same size as me!

Me: Wow, you really love him that much?!

Chloe: Of course! Can't until we're both 18 and we can get married!

Kelsey: (Why can't Brian love me like Chloe loves Deondre...)

Logan: Ok... Chloe's weird fantasies aside, for my last question, what's your favorite handheld console?

Chloe: Hey! My fantasies are NOT weird!

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