Part 18: All shall be forgiven (half)

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Narrator message 

You get into a fight with a friend a say some mean things to him which causes him to leave you. Guys one never get into a fight you can't finish cleanly cause you will regret it. If you do not finish the fight cleanly then go to the person (later after you cooled off) to apologize to them. Never hate the person cause you probably took things the wrong way so please don't hate them love your friends keep them close and never destroy them. Anyway see you guys later!

Optimus POV 

It had been a couple of hours since ratchet left and I have been feeling dull every since. Ratchet left cause we push him the wrong way and I deeply regret now. The word to describe as humans put it "guilt" is what I feel. Bulkhead and Arcee went to go on patrol and bumblebee took the rest of the day off and I am here in my brethroom getting ready for recharge. I honestly didn't think the pressure of ratchet's destiny would affect ratchet this much. But I guess it's not to far off from what I was feeling when I first became a prime besides I am one of the youngest primes unfortunately. I hope ratchet ok though he has been through a lot but, the one thing that confuses me is the fact how ratchet's destiny has something to due with the relics and the omega keys. I then close my optics and hope that ratchet comes back.

Mini time skip boi LOL 

I woke up really early in human hours 4:30 to be exact. I got up and went to go and get a cup full of energon. I got the energon and drink until none was left I then walk out and go to the computers. I then  see no  decepticon activity so I decided to got out for a drive for a while I then transform into my alt mode and drive out of the base. I drive around for a bit while listening to a couple of songs as human call it which are not bad at all. The traffic was also very light cause it was morning so barley anyone was out and for the people who were out were just leave stores and what-not.  I then go back near the base and transform into my regular from and stand while watching the sun rise which looked  so beautiful. I then say, earth may not be a our home but it's a home far away from home as humans call it. We have met very strong human allies since our arrival here on earth.

I don't know where we would be without them. They have sacrificed so much for a cause they barley understand so me I find that interesting. All my life of being online I have had some ups and downs but never have I seen bad things gone good like this planet. Though this planet as odd as it is never seems to surprise me like having the brother of Primus in its core. If my planet's people would be here some might say that these humans are worth nothing but to them the humans are we so different. The humans thought us some much like relationships and how to cope with hardships while still pushing ahead. Even my oldest friend ratchet has found love and I am happy for him and his human charge they do deserve each other more than anything. I then go and walk away from the sun rise and walk back in the base.

Apparently I have been out for 2 hours cause it was now 6:30. While walking back to the computers I see bumblebee and Arcee walking with energon in their hands. ("Mornings Optimus"). Morning I said as I typed on the computer. Bulkhead then came out of his brethroom while also holding energon. ("Morning guys bulkhead said"). We then started to look if there  were any autobot  signal around serval areas that we were looking at. But then I turned my attention back to the com link as I hear static. ("Hello Optimus an unknown autobot said"). I then ask is this ratchet? ("Yes it is me can I get a ground bridge")? I then turn the com link off and open the ground bridge to his location. He then walks out looking a lot better than before but his optic were off. ("Bulkhead said, uh ratchet we're sorry for pushing like that I mean this is a huge destiny so I can only imagine how hard it must be for you"). ("Thanks bulkhead but I must apologize as well said ratchet"). 

("Arcee then asks, w-why")? ("Ratchet says, I know you guys were just scared of the idea of a reboot cause this has never happened to anyone before in a while"). ("Especially not with dark energon but that's not all"). ("I want to apologize for lashing out like that I did not mean to at all"). ("I know we have all been struggling through these past couple of weeks with be and all getting captured and now this I am truly sorry that I have been running from it"). Old friend what do you mean by running from it? I ask. ("Ratchet said, Optimus to be honest I have been running from my destiny because I have not been in the right way of thinking this whole time"). ("So I have been pretend that I could handle this but after what alpha said I just couldn't handle it anymore"). Old friend I said why walking closer to him. You don't have to hide your stress from us or your struggles. We are here for you and that does not change any time anywhere. ("T-thanks Optimus"). 

But one thing why is your optics looking off. ("W-what do you mean by off")? Well your optics have blue and purple like dark energon which makes the light of your optics dim. ("W-what how did that happen ratchet said while sounding confused"). Bulkhead can you look in our vault to find the relics that we already have? ("Bulkhead said sure and he walked off into the vault"). I then look at ratchet who seems to be in deep thought about something. I place my servo on his shoulder. Are you alright old friend I ask. ("Ratchet said no I am not when you said  my optics are looking purple and blue did you mean that it is bending")? Yes why? ("Ratchet said Optimus I have a lot of explaining todo").

Hey guys it's me ruddy and I am back. Anyway this chapter was kinda of getting buff up a little to much so next chapter should be more word than this so stay tuned! Oh this chapter will also be half thats why I have (half) near the title. Anyway bye!

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