A1S3: A Streamer?

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Act 1: Scene 3



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I walked a tad faster.

"Eh yo!" The callings echoed and got louder and closer to me.

"Fam why you ignoring us for?"

I jumped out of my skin as I was suddenly grabbed. Truth was, I wasn't scared, but hated encounters from road men as they made me feel weary. I can fight, well I had to learn how to defend myself against grown men who came to the house, or bullies in school. I may be petite and 'soft', but I am no weakling.

Problem is.. I don't carry around shanks.

"Oh- my bad!" I gave a fake smile, pulling on my earphone to gesture that I didn't hear them.

"Ah no worries G." The guy that grabbed me, DK, patted my shoulder, quite hard may I add, and gave me a teasing smile. He was one of CJ's friends.

A gang of people were now surrounding me, like what the fuck do they want?
Again I wasn't scared, but I was apprehensive. Most of these guys I recognised from primary and secondary school, or just from growing up on the block, but I still don't trust them. I was different and in the hood different isn't good, especially if you're a guy.

These guys had weapons on them, predominantly knives like rambos and shit. What the fuck do these man want?!

"Where's C2Trappy?" One guy with a ski mask asked. He wore all black head to toe.

'C2Trappy' was CJ.

"We're having a party next Friday, why don't you come and see what it's like?" Another person said with a peer-pressuring attitude. I couldn't tell if his invite was genuine or not.

Probably not.

"Fam our sisters are in the same year, she's even come to man's yard and dat. How comes she's all cool and shit whilst you hang with no one?"Some next dude with cornrows said in a genuine manner and the rest of the bunch laughed.
Why are they trying to make meaningless conversation with me?

Too many questions were fired at me at once. I was battling between my anxious introverted 'not wanting to speak' demon and my defensive 'show that you're not a wuss' demon.

"Eh wah'gwarn my drillas!" Charismatically joined CJ.

Thank the Lord!

The group of guys shifted their attention away from me and onto their bredrin that they were ever so desperately waiting for.

"Oh what's good Holz?" Cj smiled and pulled me into a bro hug.

"Just on my way home." I said nonchalantly.

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