Chapter 40, "Superhero"

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Zayn and Harry were on Nick ruining his face while everyone tried to break it up. Harry got some finally words before Jayda was able to pull him away whilst I rushed to Zayn's side and pulled him away after he got his last punch in.

"Calm down," I said, holding his veined up arms.


"Zayn, you got him trust me."

"Kara move."

I rolled my eyes and turned around backwards, wrapping his arms around me.

"Okay I'm calm," he chuckled behind me.

Next think I know Jayda and Kendall are having a damn blood bath fight and no one is trying to fucking stop it.

"Stay here," Zayn said, rushing off trying to help Harry pull Jayda away. He ushered her in a corner but that did no good, she wanted more.

After her and Kendall exchanged more words, and well Kendall was bleeding, she left out the door leaving an angry and fired up Jayda. Nick returned and Jayda wasted no time giving him a good old slap to the face.

Things were starting to settle down for the most part but this shit is beyond me. Fights in a restaurant, poor choice of words, I just can't. Might as well go make right on my part.

"Jayda I'm sorry for all this, if I would've known-"

"But you did know Kara. You knew exactly the history and you knew everything was going to shit when I stormed out the first time. Despite my efforts to be nice, she kept pushing me and I'm sorry if that ruins your deal or whatever," Jayda stated.

"I don't care about the deal Jayda, are you okay?"

"What do you think?" she sighed.

I think you taking this out on the wrong person but okay..

I walked away trying to avoid any further issues, it is what it is and there's nothing to say that can fix this. We finished cleaning up our mess and walked outside.

"Something not right," I heard Jayda whisper, holding Harry's arms. We all stopped in our tracks and watched her make slow movements and grunt in pain like I once did...

"Mommy what's wrong?" Hendrix cried but before she could reply she fell into Harry's arms almost hitting her head on the pavement.

"Somebody help me with her," Harry yelled. Zayn rushed off and helped him carry her body in the car as I stood frozen watching the awful site.

"Kara take the kids home!" Harry shouted.

"But- Jayda- I.." I fumbled.

"Take them home.."

"I want mommy, what's going on?" Hannah whined.

I ushered the kids in the car leaving with Maya and Liam. I think I was driving 60 all the way home but I had to get those kids there safely before I ultimately break down.

When we made it to the house I walked upstairs with the kids trying to get them ready for bed but they weren't listening to me. I called Maya and Liam up to help but that did no good either, they weren't giving in until they knew their mommy was safe.

"Guys c'mon I have to get you ready for bed," I sighed.

"We're not doing anything you say until you tell us what's going on," Hendrix stomped.

"Me want mommy m daddy," Frankie muttered.

"Follow me," I smiled, walking into the upstairs living room, "take a seat."

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