She was the last of her line, according to her father. A natural parseltongue, and a direct descendant of Salazar Slytherin.
Gaunt. The long lost Slytherin heir. The long lost phantom queen.
She was bred by her father to be determined, cunning, ru...
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The next day, to say the least, The Morrigan was vivid with all its guests. It was a wild mix, but proof enough that even Slytherins and Gryffindors could work together.
Morrigan had woke up in the arms of Draco Malfoy, ho held her tenderly against his bare chest.
"Morning, love", he whispered, tickling her ear, "I like it when you stare at me. Am I that hot for you?", he joked and stroked her forehead lovingly.
She leaned to his touch and answered, "just like seeing you like this is all".
"Shhh...just come here", he said pressing her even tighter against his chest. She let out a heavenly giggle that he would never get tired of hearing.
Draco peppered small kisses from the base of her neck to her shoulder, rubbing her hips with the pads of his thumbs.
She turned to him, latching her hand on his neck and rubbing his toned arms. Morrigan could never get enough of Draco Malfoy. If everything about the prophecy was true, then she might as well enjoy what she had with her loved ones.
Draco connected their lips and moaned against her touch. He loved her. He could never be away from her. Morrigan was his saving grace, the only one who ever understood him, and, the only one who gave him a chance to redeem himself.
He searched the small night table for the box until he found it. Morrigan frowned at his abrasive pause.
"I wanted to give you this. This necklace is the last thing I got from my grandfather's vault. It is fitting for a chief witch, you see. The black stone has healing properties along with protection charms. I want you to have this. Because you are my light. You walked the dark path with me, it's time I walk it with you", he said, closing the gap between their lips again.
Morrigan almost purred at his touch.
"You didn't have to Draco. You being there with me is enough. I love you. I love you with all my heart", she gripped his face and continued to give him kisses.
They relished on each warmth until there was a knock at the door.
"I don't want to see all your nasty bits, mate, but Weasley says you are up next. He's removed everyone's mark by now. Oh, and Mor, Aidan wasn't that enthusiastic that you snuck loverboy into your room at night. Regulus is asking for you at your study. Do not make me open this door!", said Blaise Zabini from the door.
Draco groaned in annoyance.
"I am going to murder him. Some timing he's got", he said, getting up and throwing his shirt over his shoulder.
"Go, love, it's finally going to happen. I hate that mark. I'll go too before Regulus comes in here and hauls my ass to the study. Come look for me after it's done", she says, kissing him once more before bolting to her study.
Her hands clutched the new necklace Draco had given to her. He was thoughtful and kind. She did not deserve any more gifts or praises, not after everything she had put him through. Everything she had put them through.
She opened the doors to her study only to find Regulus perched in the window, licking his fingers to turn the page to his book.
"Well, that was easy enough. Lynch is going on a rampage about how he'll string Draco if he ever sees him going into your room at night. He wasn't that inconspicuous. Draco is the only one missing to get his dark mark removed. Voldemort must feel that.
There is no going back, Mor. We do this tomorrow while they are boarding the express. You must tell Potter-"
Regulus was not even finished speaking when Lucius Patronus appeared in the middle of the room. The elegant peacock ruffled its feathers.
"Snatchers believe they have caught Granger and Weasley. There is a third boy, presumably Potter. They already have the sword with them. Everything is planned out. Narcissa is here. She is undercover. Act fast. He suspects you and your friends are hiding and that you destroyed the Horcruxes out of spite. Good luck Morrigan, keep Draco safe for me"
Regulus nodded along.
"Well. After that, they have to go to the vaults. Bill is apparating later on to Shell Cottage. Fleur is also in position. Snape has sent enough healing tonics for you. Newt has enabled normal floo and apparition. When you are in the vaults with them, and everyone is on the Hogwart's Express, he will cut off everything. You'll be there to broadcast your speech as oficially taking over.
He'll want to come for you. But by that time, Harry Potter will be nearing Hogwart's in search for the Diadem. He'll be focused more on him than you. He does not know you will bring him his demise. Save your energy, Mor. You'll need it", he says.
Mor only nodded and excused herself to go accompany Draco. She wanted to be there when his mark got removed.
When she left. Aidan Lynch entered the room.
"Did she have the necklace on? Did Malfoy do it?", he asked.
"Yes, Lynch. She had the necklace on. We need to find a way to get half of the stone separated enough so that we can wield it with her. She needs people to keep her from draining herself.
You see, her magic right now sits in a pitless chasm. If we let her use her magic and find the end of it without no one to pull her from it, she is as good as dead. We need enough people to wield her magic. Draco is in charge of giving a part of the stone to her and then the other half to people that have enough strength to pull her back", Regulus finished.
"He should be giving part of it to us. To Alastor and Snape, or perhaps Scamander-"
"Draco knows what he's doing. I trust him to do this. It's not only brute strength, Lynch, it's the people she feels more connected to. She'll be fine. If there is anyone who can win this battle, it's her. She can do this. Because we are the cunning folk. Nothing stands in our way when we know what we want, Lynch".