She was the last of her line, according to her father. A natural parseltongue, and a direct descendant of Salazar Slytherin.
Gaunt. The long lost Slytherin heir. The long lost phantom queen.
She was bred by her father to be determined, cunning, ru...
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People gathered in the courtyard as Voldemort brought Harry Potter's dead body. Regulus's face paled. Draco bruised stood up from the stairs, albeit Theo's warning. He had been making his way through every one to find her. To find his Morrigan.
Where was Morrigan?
Voldemort snickered at the expression of those thirteen who had fought. They had so bravely held the fort. They had decimated and depleted enemy lines, protecting the castle and its people.
They had evacuated all the young students, opening Floo networks inside the ministry where Newt and the others were ushering them to safety.
Draco would almost cry as Gregory Goyle had given up his life to let Fred Weasley live.
Daphne's sobs resounded through the courtyard as Vincent Crabbe was ripped apart by Acromantula's, Voldemort's only allies.
What broke them was brave Terrence Higgs and Miles Bletchley that saved Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks so they had their life with their newborn.
And what brought the once cadre of thirteen to their knees was Cassius Warrington's screams of agony as a death eater hit him with Dolohov's signature organ rupturing curse. He had taken that curse so that the two Black brothers would live in peace.
They fought for them. They were bruised and bloodied, yet they stood with an ember glow in their eyes. The Slytherins.
Draco Malfoy. Regulus Black. Aidan Lynch. Blaise Zabini. Daphne Greengrass. Theodore Nott. Marcus Flint. Milicent Bulstrode. Aidan Pucey. Graham Montague.
What were once thirteen, reduced to eight. Eight silver soldiers would be remembered as those who protected Hogwarts. And those others who would be remembered as they bravely gave their lives for a cause bigger than them.
Draco could not rid himself of those thoughts. He could not get rid of the memories of having to collect his friends and placing them in adjacent cots. He remembers sending a silent prayer so that he wouldn't put Morrigan next to them.
Regulus was beaten, dirty and broken. He knew Morrigan's plan had failed. She wasn't there to fight with them. That was all he knew. He had to keep on fighting for her. He had to keep the small group on their feet.
Aidan Lynch had sobbed seeing so much death. He sobbed for Morrigan, praying that she was somehow hearing it.
But when Voldemort revealed and reveled in Morrigan's torn and bloodied Slytherin robes, not a breath was let out. The wind was the only thing Draco Malfoy could hear.
Voldemort inspected the rags. His face bloodied as he snickered. He threw the robes and revealed the whip that was still tainted in blood. Her blood.
Draco fell to his knees.
It was Morrigan's blood on the whip. On the robes. And on his face.