She was the last of her line, according to her father. A natural parseltongue, and a direct descendant of Salazar Slytherin.
Gaunt. The long lost Slytherin heir. The long lost phantom queen.
She was bred by her father to be determined, cunning, ru...
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Regulus appeared within the next five minutes with a grave expression. He had been told everything. Aidan Lynch was no better. He thrashed and paced, but he could not speak of the issue, not when he was in the same room as Draco Malfoy. It had been her last wish. He had hoped for her to have even more wishes, and as her brother be there to help her.
"Regulus, you must tell me. Is everything alright with my son and Morrigan? I can feel her in pain. Please, you would tell me if everything is going well?", Draco asked.
The bond transferred the pain. He could feel her agony of childbirth. It was not something to be taken lightly. He admired her courage and praised the female body even more. Her body was to be celebrated for what it could do, for what it meant. The choices it could do.
Deep within the qualms of the bond, he could feel it. Something was wrong. There was a gut-wrenching feeling of helplessness. He tried to soothe her through the bond they shared. He called for her. Time and time and once more, but there was no reply. The bond had gone an idle quiet that he could not withstand
Fireheart. Morrigan. Are you well?
Mor, please.
Morrigan, my darling?
His pleas unanswered and all the grave faces around him. He wanted to be mistaken. He wanted for that oak door to open and be presented with his wife holding their son.
Then it resounded through the walls of the manor. It ricocheted like a bullet and into his ears. It was so pungent that it brought him to his knees. Her screams of pain.
The two men had to restrain him with all their might, but the dragon fought and fought for his wife and son. He needed them both to be fine.
Her name resounded like a mantra in his head, reaching out for her, pulling that string that was their bond.
Tell me you are fine
Tell me Scorpius is allright.
Please, Morrigan.
But she had shut him out of her mind. She had not answered his relentless pulling.
Another scream resounded through the door, and all Draco Malfoy could do was accept the pain. He could not help her. She had shut him out. He helplessly fought against the two men that held him in place. Both wanted to rush in and help, but they were following Morrigan's last orders.
Morrigan was not doing any better. With four bloodied hands, Narcissa Malfoy and Madame Beauchamp tried to resuscitate the small boy with platinum hair.