She was the last of her line, according to her father. A natural parseltongue, and a direct descendant of Salazar Slytherin.
Gaunt. The long lost Slytherin heir. The long lost phantom queen.
She was bred by her father to be determined, cunning, ru...
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Morrigan Gaunt did not even try to diffuse the tension that same morning. The cadre knew better not to question. They were only glad their powerful duo got back together to lead them.
She felt bad hiding everything about the Horcruxes. Draco knew enough, but she wasn't willing to share all her information just yet. Morrigan needed to ready her cards in order to strike. After a very vivid breakfast which contained a second-year Hufflepuff with a message from Slughorn, she dived into the tempest of the dungeons to find Severus Snape pacing around in the darkest cellar.
"Gaunt. Dumbledore won't suspect. At least not from me. I am to meet Narcissa and Bellatrix today. You need to create another batch of those potions if you want this to work. You have my elite ingredients at your disposal. Horace will invite you to his office. Befriend him. He has powerful friends sitting in the Wizengamot and in the ministry", he says, giving her the empty vial.
"You said the incantation before he drank it? Regulus's notes specifically said that it had to be when his mouth touched the liquid in order to have a full effect", she asked, tapping her nails impatiently on her elbows.
"I did, Gaunt. It still nabs me how you've come to possess this journal. Or how that scum that calls himself a Black let you take it", he said eyeing the notebook.
It had been the one his only friend always carried around. It reminded him of young Morrigan with her leather-bound notepad, examining every little detail of her plan.
"I guess I really do have a charm. Narcissa wants to protect Draco. Everyone thinks he has to kill Dumbledore. We have to keep it that way. I told him to lace some mead with a blood-curse. We all know the old man is wary of Draco, so naturally, none of this is going to work. I'll deal with Draco later, you reassure Narcissa, whatever means possible. We do not need to raise any questions", she says inspecting his forearm which grew darker.
She sighed and nodded.
"Alright, Severus, you know what to do", she finished.
Severus Snape sent her a nod before waving his wand and disappearing with a small popping sound.
She sighed and slumped against the cold concrete pillar. She was running out of time. Lupin was able to give her leverage over the course of summer, securing her an alliance she never expected to work.
She had to also place strategic people inside the Wizengamot. All her bills needed to pass in order to execute what she promised to do before.
She checked the time and cursed. She was already two minutes late to her meeting with Professor Slughorn.
She tidied her uniform and pulled her hair out of her face. She needed to impress him enough to gain contacts and information. She counted on her charm and wit to that for her. If Severus told her anything, he had said Slughorn was trying to also have famous students with prestige under his wing, just like he had Regulus Black and Lily Evans.