III. 6

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Remus Lupin

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Remus Lupin. That is his name. The name of the man who was always at the library, recommending books other than the magical instructive books. The man who really knew her. 

"So, Remus is your name, you never told me that, what else didn't you tell me? I went there almost every single day because you would be there. You would recommend books to help me escape the manor. You knew that, didn't you?", she asked. 

Remus sighed and reached to put a scarred hand on her shoulder. 

"I had the honor to watch you grow. I wanted to tell you, but I was left strict orders. Your mother, Maeve, was a student in my year at Hogwarts. She was a Slytherin. She was one of my dear friends apart from James Potter, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew. You have her curiosity and ambition. When she went to Ireland, I was stationed by the order there to find werewolves willing to support Dumbledore. I didn't know she was there, until she came into the library. Not only that, but she bought it so I could have a stable job because of my condition-", he started. 

His eyes widened. He was slipping out his condition to Morrigan Gaunt. 

"I know you are a werewolf, Remus. I don't hold it against you, or judge you. If my mother was your friend, then I can be too. It's a curse, yes, but a curse that was cruelly bestowed upon you with no choice. I'd hate to judge you because of something you had no control over". 

He nodded eyeing her from head to toe. It was like hearing Maeve all over again. She was charming, elocuent and direct. Morrigan was so much like his deceased friend. It was a painful reminder of all he lost that day. 

"Your mother offered me a place, a job, and friendship. One week before everything happened, she told me to take care of you, to help you, to guide you. What better way to do it, than with books? Maeve cared for her friends, although she had few. She was quite the friend with Narcissa, I remember", he said, a ghost of a smile in his face. 

"Why didn't you ever tell me, Remus? I could have had someone in my life to show me genuine warmth... All those days inside The Morrigan did me no good. I swivelled down with depression and anxiety. Did you know I was not allowed to have friends, to have gifts, to celebrate birthdays or to even hug my cousin?-", she said with tears swelling her eyes. 

He knew her. He knew the version of her that wanted to get rid of it all. He knew the version of her she didn't show. 

"Because I was scared. I live in poverty and I am a werewolf. Besides, I know Mala and Seamus would tell you off for asociating with my type. A half breed. I did the most I could. I tried to give you classics and fantasies to get out of your head for a while. I know the weight that falls in your shoulders. I know it because I see it in Harry too"

"Harry is not like me, Remus. Don't confuse me with him-", she retorted. 

"He also grew up with his uncles, raised like a muggle instead, in an abusive household, with no friends or even a warm cousin. He didn't grow in a manor, or well fed-"

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