Chapter 9

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Alrighty...I don't know the pace I'll be writing, so I'm going to try and make this chapter EXTRA long for all of you, ok? I'lll be nice xD maybe for a little bit more I'll throw in for a new little part, a Christmas special!~ Hehe...evil ideas pop up...xD I think I'll be doing 2 POV's, one, then switch, and go back to one......


PICTURE: Derek Human form!~ (I shall think about it actually...IDK)

MUSIC:Piano: A thousand Years



Rin's POV

Nial was right.

He shouldn't have met my parents. Actually to rephrase that, we both shouldn't have met up with my parents at that particular moment.

Remember how earlier, with the party going on, I said I wouldn't be home probably until around....Mid-night, two A.M? Well my parents certainly weren't expecting me at that time with a friend. It was only eleven.

There, sitting in my favorite recliner of all time, now which I would love to burn after this, was my mom and dad getting it all hot a heavy.

My mouth dropped open when we I saw them and Nial, totally innocent and not knowing, hopped over to where I stood in the living room archway, wiping his hands since they were damp on a towel. Mother and Father still hadn't noticed, and neither did Nial. He took out his phone and held it a face level.

"Hey dude, what's wrong?" I kept my face towards my parents deep make-out session, for some reason unable to look away and hit Nial's phone to the ground with a loud thunk. That seemed to snap Mother out of it. Nial growled a bit. "Hey, what was that-!" His gaze was now fixated on my parents, both their surprised and worrisome looks directed at us. I turned to Nial to see his face as red as a tomato; I think all of our faces were at this point. Everyone was silent besides the interesting Dad had probably put on to get them worked up to his point. After what felt like forever, Dad took his hold off Mother's breast and rubbed his face, hiding it in the crook of Mom's neck.

"U-uhm...Rin...-II didn't expect you to be h-home so early, let alone bring your friend at this time of n-n-night." Mom barely got through her words. At the same time, both Nial and I shook our heads violently and turned around, arms crossed.

"It's alright mom, I didn't expect you guys to be doing this since your so old-" I started.

"So it's not our fault completely though for you guys not hiding something like this from us, like going in your room or something." Nial finished for me. We glanced between us, trying our best not to burst out laughing from nervousness, embarrassment, and what felt like overpowering my parents.

"RIN, I must ask that you do not say things like that in front of our guests!" Biting my lip, I twirled around and faced mm, hands on my hips as I tried to be sassy like her.

"MOTHER, I must ask that you do not put ideas like this into kids minds! Especially teenagers! Since I'm not sure what you're doing, I'll go see if our neighbor Lissa will want to show me what exactly you guys were doing by experiment!" I began to march off, away from the room and Mother let out a cry of helplessness.

"Rin, don't be like that!" She left the living room clothed completely, while Dad picked up his discarded clothes. He walked right through the kitchen to their grand bedroom only in his briefs, and mom blushed furiously, trying not to stare at her husband. In the corner of my eye I saw Nial biting his lip, trying to hold back a laugh. I was too, but I had better luck. Mom's coughed, giving me a look that screamed You better tell me who this kid is now or I'm going to kill you look.

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