Chapter 16

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I'm sorry everyone!! I have a really bad flu given to me from peoples at school who didn't learn to cover their mouths or noses when they cough or sneeze.  >____>

I feel like my head could explode if I listen to music or talk..or stand xDDD Oh how this sucks greatly.


I may do a Valentine's scene later, for the story...but not right now...xD yeaaah. Plus...I just noticed I stopped posting pictures o-o I probably won't post anymore anyways.



I talked non-stop on the way home to Nial and mark, way to excited to possibly shut up at the moment. I was really excited, happy that I finally got to see my friends after 2 years and a couple days (yes...I count very well). Mark and Nial seemed just as estatic as we shared stories, comparing the whole Highschool years we hadn't finished together. The two of them obviously stayed in contact, as friends, the whole time that I was absent, because occasionally they would exchange comments on something I didn't understand about their families or something. All I could do was nod and go along with what they were saying before Nial suddenly turned to me.

"Rin, you know you could interject at any time and ask questions if you don't understand." Mark seemed to realize as well that I truely didn't know what they were talking about, turning to me and giving me an appologetic look.

The conversation afterwards was followed by silence; we'd all decided to save the big things for later once we reached the house. When we did, the cheerful duo made a show of huge gasps. The house as large as it was, probably wasn't what they were gawking at.

Maybe it was the large breast lady walking down the street with her muscle man friend.

Piling out the car, Mark and Nial looked excited. Seeing the large houses and many people about was probably nothing compared to what these guys could do right now.

"Rin, you've been living here?!" Nial smiled brightly. "That's pretty cool."

"Dude, you've been living a good life over here, huh?" Mark punched me playfully on the arm, which I returned with a little more force. Mark pretended to have been badly injured, his hand grasping in the air as if reaching for something, making us all laugh.

"Come on now boys, we'll show you inside." Mark, taking almost all the luggage from the car, stood at the front door with his arms full of suitcases and seperate bags. Aunty opened the door casually, not seeming to notice the young boy dying under all the weight he was carrying. She stepped into the doorway, standing there long enough that Mark didn't care anymore.

"'scuse me." Not caring, he shoved past Aunty and dropped the luggage on a tall winding staircase, glancing around and spotting the huge kitchen. He took one look at our fridge and drooled.

"Dude I love your house."

"I know you do, now go take your time with your date." Mark grinned, going over to the fridge, opening it wide to see the contents. he took out a beer and popped the lid before Aunty stole it from his hands.

"No drinking in the afternoon, only at night...and with parties." Aunty added the last part, tapping her chin before handing the cold beer back. "Good luck hon."

"Thanks Miss Harrison!"

"It's Aunty around here, got it!" She hissed, leaving the trio alone as we all chuckled. Nial came over to me, ruffling back my hair and taking a drink of his own- Spring Water water bottle. Taking a few deep drinks, he went around the corner where Aunty had walked of to and yellled,

"Got it Aunty!" Mark shook his head, still smiling. Nial, seeming interested, looked back to Rin as if the question wasn't already answered. "So you live here now, eh?"

"Yeah, I hope so. Otherwise I'm just a freeloader." I laughed, sitting down on a tall stool that stood in front of the marble counter top that also held a sink. Mark and Nial joined me, happy to converse for even a moment, to look around at this happy scene.

"Well that's good. It's quite spacy though, I'd get kind bored."

"Yeah, the rooms even echo when I'm alone." I sighed, realizing just how exhausting the whole trip had been. Resting my head on the counter top for a few seconds, I realized just how late it was. 9:34 PM glowed an errie green from the microwave beside our large fridge, causing me to yawn. "Guys, I'm gonna get some rest..."

To tired to do it myself, Aunty showed Mark and Nial to their seperate rooms as I headed for mine, pulling off my socks slowly, trying to get everything in my head straight. I felt dizzy almost as I ripped off my shirt and my remaining clothes, not caring to put anything more on. I pulled the sheets over my naked body, thanking the warmth for exsisting and falling into a deep sleep, dreaming of Nial and Mark the whole time.


I'm sorry. I'm just so tired, I don't feel like adding anything on TT^TT

Plus, I wanted to upload a chap for you guys QAQ Although it's short...


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