Chapter 4

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MrsZeroKiryu here~ Random as ever! Which seems to be contained in my story's so far...or this one anyways. YEPPERS. To the side SHOULD be Mark, human style~ Sorry, I just prefer anime. Next chapter; Newbie in school's picture, but it should be HUMAN first...maybe. I guess it depends on if I remember and how I feel. Yays!~


I was staring at his back. It was almost as if I was obsessed with him just by looking at his face.This kid amazed me. I mean seriously. This kid was brave, cool, cute, male, everything. I had completely spaced out when he entered the room, I could only gawk at his pure awesomeness. That's the only way I could explain it. He was god on earth. He was

I didn't catch his name, which broke my puny little heart, but I would figure it out. When I first saw him, I only liked him for his looks. I mean he was ok, dyed hair, because obviously people aren't born with blue hair, and he was taller than me maybe even Derek. And that never happened. I watched him, clicking my pen and trying to concentrate at the project that was assigned individually. I knew why I was so fantasized by him.

The first words he had uttered when he entered the room, the only words I had heard coming from his perfect lips were, "I'm gay."

I was frozen in shock, I still was, and I couldn't help but instantly feel attracted to him. It was hopeless, I didn't even know the guy. Love at first sight? Another cliche. Besides, I don't believe in Fairy Tales, and if there have ever been any fairy tales I believe in, it would be Romeo and Juliet. And that barely counted.

He sat two rows ahead of me in almost every class so far. Either that or he sat right beside me. The bell rang loudly in the halls and class rooms from the PA, signaling for lunch to begin in the cafeteria. I waited, staying seated until a few trouble makers were left over. Or the popular people I guess. Mark wasn't one of them, and the newbie also decided to stay a bit longer to deathly slow take his time to put his things away. He only started today and he already had a bunch of stuff piled into his bag.

When he turned, he seemed to notice me and his mouth went from normal to a bright grin. Oh shit, a god is grinning at me! His teeth so perfect and white! Rin, overreaction. Calm you hormones and look him back and smile. I shyly smiled back, no doubt at least one shade of red on my face. Jeeze, why was I so easily embarrassed by these boys!

"Hey there." He called casually. His voice was deep and strong, carrying across the room with great ease. I nodded and replied,

"Hi. How're you?" He stopped for a second before picking up his things and throwing his bag over his shoulder. He came right up to me and motioned to the door.

"Good I guess, but this first days kinda confusing. Mind showing me around?" Oh my dear sweet baby James. Cutie here wanted me to show him around. I blushed, I could feel my whole face warming up slowly, as I nodded again and stood, grabbing everything on the desk and throwing it into my bag. I was on and alert. Now I know what you're thinking, weren't you committed to being lazy all day. Oh yes I was until he just had to pop up. The boy followed me out the door and I could help but let out a sigh of relief to the fact that no one commented on the gay kid leaving with the nobody. The hall was packed full of kids heading to lunch or putting things away to take out more textbooks and homework. I turned around suddenly and he halted. I smiled again and held out my hand.

"Did you get a paper that the office gave you with your locker number on it?" He frowned in thought, reaching deep into his pocket and pulling out a rumpled paper. I tried to straighten it out as best as I could. "Oh that's awesome! You're in the same hall as me. Only a few lockers away." I skipped up the stairs, taking three at a time. It was hard but quicker and more easy. He was right behind me the whole time, as if I was running and he was able to walk slowly right behind me. I showed him to his locker so after he threw most school tings inside and I told him what he needed for his next class, we headed to lunch.

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