Chapter 24

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Alrighty, hope you enjoy this chapter! Please Don't Go is nearing it's end, maybe one or two chapters away from the end (knowing me, it's probably 3 or 4)! What do you think of it so far? Fave character? Anything in specific you like or dislike? Comment and Vote before this series comes to an end!

:P I feel like I'm bribing people or something. teehee. NOW...I have something to ask to those who are reading it. I have 2 songs, both i like for the ending song I wanna play. Now, I simply want you to comment 1 or 2, so then whichever one has the more comments, I will pick. Thanks ^^"

MUSIC: Mermaid (Train)-??? (you'll learn this chapter!~ The character hasn't been mentioned for awhile in the story, so yeah!)


Someone sneezed loudly, scaring the crap out of me considering I was still in bed. I flew off my bed, surprised that when I hit the floor, I also hit a table. Complaining to myself as I rubbed my aching neck, I found myself in the living room. What I had hit was the coffee table, and the person who had sneezed was mark. He rubbed his nose, sniffling a little when he looked to me apologetically.

"I coudn't hold it any longer. Didn't think it would scare the crap outta you." Mark chuckled, looking at me on the floor from the leather couch. A blanket had been thrown over us, although now I was shivering in my clothes from the day before. Mark lifted his arm, along with the blanket, arms open and welcoming me back into the fortress of warmth. Crawling across the floor over to the couch, I gladly took my place back next to Mark, warming back up as he put his arms around me, sighing in content. I heard footsteps coming from the second floor and groaned, not exactly happy that Aunty Emma was up so early. I began to get up, but Mark pulled me back down.

"Where do you think you're going?" Mark asked, tightly holding me against his warm chest. I could feel his heartbeat flutter for a moment before going back to normal.

"Aunty's getting up. She'll be pissed again if she notices us." Mark chuckled, the sound sounding more in his chest with my ear against his chest. Mark shook his head.

"Nope. Either we can lay awake or do you want to fake sleep?"

"Yep. Do you want to die or die more harshly?" I mocked his tone, making Mark look down at me, his face screwed up in confusion, looking at me as if I was a child. I sighed. "Never mind. I'll pretend to be asleep, you can stay awake if you'd like." Mark nodded and I cuddled into his chest, hearing Aunty yawn loudly from upstairs. Soon, her footsteps were heard on the stairs as she came downstairs, still yawning occasionally. She first went into the kitchen, grabbed something from the fridge from the sounds of it, and came into the living room. I froze for a second, but then relaxed, going limp as if I was asleep.

Her footsteps ended when she was close enough to the couch to lookk over it. After all, the couch wasn't as tall as her. Cautiously taking a few steps forward, Aunty came closer and I could feel Mark move. Aunty's footsteps stopped again.

"Is Rin asleep?" She whispered, peering at the both of us. I could feel her gaze land on me cuddled up against Mark, who nodded and rested his chin against my head.

"Yeah." He whispered back, pretending to be quiet so I could sleep, but in reality, I heard everything they were talking about. Mark's arms held me closer then I was before as I took in his scent with every breath I took. "He's been sleep for awhile. We got back late and all..."

Aunty must have nodded, then said, "Yes, that is true. I found Rin's sweater in the that make-up on it?" Aunty sounded unsure, like she didn't know what to think of it as good or bad.

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