Chapter 10

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Hi everyone! How're you all doing? If you noticed, I changed both the cover and title for the book. It went from Defying Public Death to Please Don't Go. I just felt as though that fit it more. And the Cover...I don't know, I found it inspiring/ cool~

PICTURE: RIn hiding away in his room

Music: Deathbed (play it a little into the chapter maybe) Enjoy this chapter I did for you guys on Christmas! (Aren't you proud?!)



Halfway through the hall way to the office, classes had started and I was sudden pulled into my Math class by Mr.Lamet. His face was scrunched up in disgust as he pulled me to my seat, so I had to hop backwards. I almost fell over as the class was snickering at me. He shoved my shoulders and I fell back into my seat beside Mark. Nial was behind me and poked me with his pencil.

"Dude, why'd you have to go to the office?" I shook my head and looked to the front at our teacher. He glared at me.

"Hey, Mr.Lamet, I needed to go to the office...." My legs throbbed and I could feel blood seep a little out of the bandages crossing my chest. He sneered and used the PM to get hold of the office. I mentioned that I was in pain, so minutes later, almost all the teachers came into the door looking frightened and pale.

Uh oh.

Shit shit shit what's going on! My mind yelled. Did I commit some crime I didn't know about and they were afraid of me now? I probably shared their look as one of the teachers, Ms. Katrina came right up to me. She took hold of my hand, squeezed it and looked my lovingly in the eyes. She was one of my most hated teachers....what was she doing?

"Rin, dear, we all need to tell you something. We'd like you to come outside of the classroom." Her gaze flickered about the room, looking at other kids with worry plastered on her face. Every teacher in the room looked extremely uncomfortable. I looked down at her hand clasped in mine.

"C-can't you tell me right here?" I swallowed a small sob stuck in my throat. I was so scared, I didn't even know why. Just the fact that everyone was paying this much attention to me like this was scary. Ms.Katrina looked back at the other teachers, all of them refusing to look at us. I could see one of the female Art teachers leave the room, before she could cry in front of everyone. We had more then just our classes attention, there were some students in the hallway looking terrified and scared as well. Over half of them were crying. "What the hell's going on?" I mumbled, more to myself. The teacher before me ruffled my hair and smiled kindly down at me, but her kindness didn't reach her eyes; her eyes were filled with sadness.

"Rin, darling...." She leaned in close and put her lips close to my ears to whisper the words I thought I'd never hear from anyone in my life.

My eyes widened and everything went slow mode from there. I don't even remember half of it, I was trying my best not to. I never wanted to remember this, but it was way to vivid. I got up from my seat in Math and ran past the teachers lined up in front of the class, them not bother to go after me. Mark and Nial yelled for me but their voices were drowned out from everyone else having their own reactions. I shoved past students gathered in the hallway, ran past all the doors, the office, and burst out into the cold winter afternoon. Snow was drifting lightly to the ground, but I barely noticed the cold. I ran to the tree Mark and I used to play by and up in when we were kids and dropped to my knees, welcoming the cold ground to numb the pain I was feeling, not only physically, but mentally and emotionally. My sobs broke out through out the schools yard and I could feel eyes on me from outside and inside the school. I cured up in the fetal position beside the tree, burrying my face near the bark, Ms.Katrina's words echoing through my head.

Please Don't Go (Yaoi)Where stories live. Discover now