Chapter 19

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:D I'm trying for another chapter, i don't know when I'll post this. BTW I found the song that was perfect for the last chapter :'D I laughed, I founc it perfect and I imagined what was happening with the song. Plus...I can imagine someone like Rin singing this xD


xD Vote for the song, comment your thoughts and such~



After making it back to the hospital, Mark dropped me off at the front, Gerry taking over the front seat as the girls in the back took seats differently so they weren't as crowded as before. Rima sat on the passenger side, rolling down the window and listening to me and mark talk things out.

"I'm just going to drop off all these people, it won't take long. When I get back, I'll answer all your questions." I nodded, watching Mark put the car in gear and was about to take off when Rima said something. Mark looked slightly surprised, but took his foot of the gas. I was confused until Rima turned back to me. She crooked her finger for me to get closer, so I did, resting my chin on the window rim. She frowned slightly, then kissed my forehead quickly. I heard Kathrine take a deep breath in and Rebecca squeal in delight as mark and Gerry turned to see what they missed. They still didn't seem to understand- Rima had moved away now -so they turned back, starting small talk.

"Don't go and get yourself all mopy again, got it?" My eyes widened when I realized what she just did. I rubbed my forehead, my eyebrows having been shot up almost to my hairline.

"Why'd you just-"

"Shut up and go to your friend!" Rima huffed, crossing her arms and turning away so she wouldn't have to face me. Rebecca giggled again, seeing the obvious blush on Rima's face. I laughed, reached in and ruffled Rima's hair to her distaste, turning around and walking towards the hospital. I waved my hand in the air, not bothering to turn back as I entered the white building, not exactly eager to see my friend lying down half dead.

Going to the nurse in charge of guests and rooms, I wrote my name down in the guest box and walked down the hallway, standing in front of the door to Nial's room. i caught myself thinking about what I would do if Nial died, and I shook my head. There's no need for depressing thoughts. Think about what you'll do when Nial dies if he dies.

Opening the door, it was empty besides the lying body, machines that beeped and glowed in the dark room. I walked in, not bothering to turn on the lights for Nial's sake and sat down in my chair from earlier. grasping Nial's hand, icy cold as this morning, I realized just how late it was. Considering we got out of the mall late and how long it took to get back, it was almost ten o'clock; almost time for the nurses to kick me out of here. I didn't want that at all; I wanted to stay by my friend's side.

I clutched his hand a cinch tighter, kissing his forehead before resting my head beside where his hand lay. Slowly, my eyes drifted closed, and I found myself half asleep by the time Mark entered the room. I heard him but ddin't say a word, hoping that he wouldn't turn on the lights. he didn't, but there was the sound of moving feet, as well as noises I could't place. Suddenly, Mark's warm hand touched my face, turned it slightly, and he leaned down, kissing beside my eye lightly.

"Sleep well Rin..." He murmured. Suddenly, almost blowing my cover, mark picked me up, carrying me somewhere, deeper into the room. He set me down on something soft, not exactly comfortable though, but I guess it must have been the other bed beside Nial's that held no other patient. Mark tried to pt me down in a way that kept me straight, but I moved around a little to be more comfortable. He chuckled softly, throwing a warm blanket over me, followed by silence. When the silence ended, what followed was a warm body cuddling against mine. Weary, I peeked at Mark, who had pulled me into his chest.

Please Don't Go (Yaoi)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora