Chapter 14

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I hope you can forgive me you guys! Taking pretty much over a month's break... Well i still had a lot to do lately ^^" Updates will be slow probably. I'll be honest with all the things I got going on.

1. School                                                                                    2. Watching PewDiePie time to time             

3. Story I'm working on for school (olnly on paragraph 3 and it's 20 pages TT^TT

4. Curling                     5. Cadets                6. Volley Ball                     7.Shooting team for cadets

Plus World pond hockey is going to be starting soon...maybe I'll see some of you guys there...?

QAQ sorry if there are any late or really long to finish updates!!! I'll try to make this chapter long for you guys!!! Enjoy~ Fan, vote, and comment your thoughts! Do it for me and for Rin!!!! QAQ


PICTURE: Random Gif TT^TT         

MUSIC/VIDEO: SMASH MOUTH I'm a believer! (I love this song!!!)



Rin's POV:

I woke, a little startled at all the commotion going on in my head and from what everyone was saying. Being that there was only supposed to be Mark and Nial inside my house-plus the fact that there was way over two voices I could hear- I sprang up from the couch, bounding out the room and into the kitchen where there were at least twenty different people gathered all together. I couldn't help but gawk at all of them How the hell did they all get into my house without me knowing?!

"Excuse me, but please leave immediately. Rin is asleep and I don't think annoy of you should be here..." I heard someone's voice trail off as all the men and women began to shout snappy retorts and shout random things. No one seemed to notice my presence, annoying me even further then I already was before I cleared my throat. Someone was obviously over agitated by my sound.

"What the hell do you wa-OH Rin!" Uncle Gerrad turned, straightening his tie, patting down his belly and bowing slightly, almost like the japanese do for a show of respect. his father was japanese, but he was dead, so I guess this guesture was just outt of pure habit and how he was raised. "We were just talking about you, son-"

"Don't call me that." My words were harsh and seemed to carry venom for uncle, because he almost instinctively backed down. he cleared his throat before pushing his way back into the quieted group. 'Matilda'- that's what i prefer calling her- stepped away from the group and came right up to me, almost taller then myself. She was a brute, probably not minding if she killed someone to get what she wanted. Her smile was insincere as she sized me up, seeming to not believe the fact that I can actually grow tall. I probably had a vein in my neck bulging out; it's something that I can do only when I see this woman, she really pisses me off at the same time she can be so very annoying.

"Rin." She sneered.

"Aunt Matilda." Her sneer grew as she growled, hating the name I gave her. She earned that awhile ago, I was always considering her true name to be something as Matilda.

"I see that you're actually talking now." Her smile of confident seemed to burn through me s did her eyes, but I felt much more confident then she probably ever could muster up in that gigantic, rude-looking body of hers. A living tank...not that she was big or anything. She was pretty tiny, and the brown hair falling into curls on her shoulders tried to pass her off as innocent, as did her alluring storm grey eyes.

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