Chapter 25 (Final)

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I just realized how much I'm updating again :'D Yays for my updates on the story! Alright, so I'm not sure when I'll be updating in about...4, 5 days. Because several, I got GTA now :'D two, school will be starting on this Monday coming up D: BUT EITHER WAY...IT'S THE END OF THE ROAD!! FINAL CHAPTER.

By the way, sorry for all the crappy *cough cough* editing :'L I really don't have the time to read these over usually and all, but I may after this, I don't know.

MUSIC: The Maine:  Listen to your Heart (I like how it'll go with the ending)

Maybe play the song near the end?



"So father's be good to your Daughters.

Daughters will love like you do.

They'll become lovers!

Who turn into Mothers.

So Mother's be good to your Daughters too..."

I repeated the chorus of John Mayer's song, loving almost every song he created. I felt old style.

I felt much more comforted now that I knew Mark and Nial were here to stay, not leaving me alone again. But to be honest, I was the one that left them the first time. Oh well, the details didn't matter that much right now.

Mark and Nial had both claimed their rooms upstairs for their own when they would be going to their college or university, and Aunty had actually allowed it. I guess I was going to be with my friend's for longer then I ever imagined, which I was glad for. The only part that pissed me off was that Aunty, Nial's parents and Mark's dad had planned this all out behind my back, and I didn't know anything about it until I was almost in tears. Fuck, I was ready to punch them, but I was too happy at the same time to care. I was scatterbrained this morning, thinking to much about every single thing in the world.

Aunty came into my room, which I had made me little fortress of hatred for the time being. I was ignoring everyone right now, but look who cared.

"So Rin, you coming out for lunch?" I grabbed a book off my book shelf, Invincible from the Chronicles of Nick, opening the book to a random page and shoving it in my face, not able to msee my Aunty's glare anymore. I heard her sigh, walking ot the room without shutting the door. Was everyone trying to get on my nerves today? Standing up, I slammed the door behind her, storming back over to my bed and laying on it, letting a sigh escape me. Summer was coming to an end, I would be going back to college and MArk or Nial may or may not be going to my college with me. That was another detail they failed to tell me, which pissed me off forever more. My mood could only get worse today, at least that's what I think.

"Rin, get your ass out here and eat!" Aunty yelled from down the hallway. Giving up, I stood, leaving the comfort of my hatred fort, otherwise known as my room, out into the open. I winced at how bright the hallway was, being that I made sure my room had been pitch black.

Walking lazily to the kitchen, basically dragging myself to it, I rubbed my eyes tiredly, exhausted from the day before. Mark was already dressed well, making himself a coffee from the looks of it. On the other hand, Nial was still in his pyjama's, a simple light blue shirt and grey sweat pants. When I entered the room, my Aunty looked at me funny, Nial's expression changed as if he looked shocked to see me. Mark, once again, failed to show any emotion as he stared point blank at me, drinking deeply of his black coffee. A smirk crawled on his lips, but Aunty talked before Mark could even open his mouth.

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