Chapter 21

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Does anyone listen to Nightcore? Not the actual band Nightcore (I think there used to be one) but the remixes/faster versions of songs that can actually be pretty awesome? I do anyways xD There's a lot that are actually better then the original songs. Let it burn was one...I never even heard the original. ANYWAYS.

MUSIC: Dirty Little Secret- Rin's theme (I thought it fit him because technically him and Mark are a secret from their friends, not to mention Aunty Emma still doesn't know about Rin being gay :P



Making it back home with Rima, Rebbeca, Kathrine, Gerry and Nial in tow in the other car, Mark and I entered the house, allowing everyone to go ahead of us before I let Mark in, following him and shutting the door behind us all. Aunty Emma opened her arms for them to join us for supper before we headed for the party.

Somehow, Rima had managed to get almost our whole college, High school students and other college students to join us.

The party, scheduled to start at 10 P.M, gave us time to relax and let the girls get ready and fuss over themselves with my Aunty Emma. I guess tonight was the only night she could act like a teenager again. Gerry grabbed a beer from the fridge, probably left from one of Aunty's many boyfriends. He chugged the first half before throwing bottled water to me and Mark. I took small sips, not waning to overdose on water before we ate supper, which was my turn to make.

Waling to the stove, I started one of the big burners and grabbed a pan, ready to make stir-fry. Taking the meat from the counter and grabbing the special noodles I would have to soften, I scanned the fridge for vegetables, deciding on green, yellow and red bell peppers, plus carrots. Stirring in the already prepared sauce to the softened noodles, I transferred them from the pot of water and put them into the dry pan, stirring slowly and softly.

Behind me, someone cleared their throat before Gerry's voice broke through the growing silence.

"So, is it your turn to cook or something? Or do you cook all the time?" I smiled slightly, not turning around as I replied,

"It's my turn tonight, but I cook occasionally either way." I added the bell peppers, trying to mix them together in the noodles so they weren't all bunched up. After I was done, I reached over to my water bottle, standing by the sink as Gerry eyed me.

"So you're gay right?" I spat out my water, thankfully into the sink and wiped my mouth, eyes wide as I chuckled slightly. Good job Rin, not making it look obvious at all. I turned to Gerry, raised one eyebrow as Mark just sat there smiling slightly. He looked triumphant.

"Yep, we're gay pals, although I think Nial here has taken a liking to Kathrine over there." Nial mouth  dropped open as he looked away, shy of the question.

"I do not!"

"Dude, it clearly shows on your face." Nial got up, ready to protest when Gerry interrupted instead.

"You're gay too Mark?" His question sounded worried, but also held a hint of something else, something unreadable.

"Yep. And I think I made it obvious yesterday that I like Rin." My face flew into flames as I turned back to the Stir-fry. Finishing up the recipe the way I learned from mother, I piled up the food into several bowls, a fair share with a lot still left over in the pot. Turning back to Gerry and trying to keep the blush off my face, I pushed one bowl each in front of Mark and Gerry.

"What 'chu talkin' 'bout Willis?" I used a twang I used to say all the time, causing Mark to laugh lightly as I walked to Nial, watching his expression. He shrugged and I widened my eyes for a second, showing annoyance on my face as I passed him his bowl. He gladly accepted, grabbing a fork from the table and digging in as did the others.

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