Chapter 13

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Yeah, I decided to put The last chapter as private to fans only because honestly, either way I'm not that good with those scenes anyways xD

I don't know what'll happen with the rating for the rest of the story. The rest of the story may be under "Restricted" but I assure you, it shall NOT be restricted all the way. I don't know why it won't go back to PG 13...but ANYWAYS. ON WIF DA STORY!


MUSIC: Double Rainbow



The bright, yellow-orange sunlight crept through my bedroom curtains, right across my face, waking me up. I groaned, not wanting to wake up from my dream just yet and cuddled the blankets, covering my face as I breathed in deeply. I felt something move behind me, getting right up against me as they snored quietly.

WHAT?! I jumped up surprised, not awake enough to remember what had happened last night. My gaze dropped to the blankets covering me and I lifted them and, sure enough, I was nude. My face turned bright red as I turned to face Mark. He was still asleep, facing me, breathing lightly and occasionally snoring, but not loudly. His arm lay in a way that showed that what I felt moving was his arm that was under me.

I laid back down, looking at Mark and just...staring at his beautiful face. He looked peaceful and so lovable just the was he was now! Suddenly his eyes fluttered open and I opened my mouth to try and explain but he just smiled, rolling closer and kissing my cheek gently, wrapping his arms around me to pull me closer to him. I was a little more then flustered, but I welcomed the warmth and comfort he provided. He chuckled lightly, and I realized something hard was pressing up against my leg. My whole face burned with embarrassment, but when I tried to pry away, Mark just hugged me tighter.

"Bastard..." I mumbled, making Mark laugh.

"I am not. It's good to know you're talking to me." He rolled over on top of me, chest to chest, making me feel even more awkward. not only because of his weight holding me down, but also because know. I turned my head away, not wanting to see how her reacted to my reaction, but all he did was snuggle his face up against my neck. His breath hitched for a moment and I could feel his strong heart beat flutter for a moment. So he was feeling the same thing was? Good.

"Nice hicky." My eyes widened as I looked down, seeing the slightly bruising spot on my collar bone and many others along my chest, a few on my neck. I gaped at him, raising my hand to graze oer each one.

"Meanie! You did all of them on purpose, didn't you!" Mark nodded, proud, making me punch him in the chest playfully. He smirked, taking in my face and eyes, licking his lips. Slowly, he kisses my forehead, beside my eyes, and finally both cheeks. His hands cupped both my cheeks. His calm gaze bore into me as  his face softened even more. He let his guard down so much around me, and I hadn't realized until now. Why couldn't I do the same for him?

"Yes, maybe." Suddenly, all the warmth he had shared with me left as he stood, leaving my cold and naked-feeling. Well...I was naked after all.

Before my body could protest to me moving around, I tried to stand but ended up falling from my weak legs. I landed on the ground with a loud thump and layed there on the ground, breath a little heavy. Mark had by now turned around and was kneeling beside me and I (sadly) held my ass. Fuck, it hurt so much! My legs especially!

"Rin, I thought it would be common sense to you that you wouldn't be able to move around so well after last night." He was trying to hold back a small laugh, I knew it. "Do you want me to help you up? Help you get dressed?" I was surprised by the offer but I agreed to both. He took my hands, and without warning, pulled me up on my feet, lifting me a bit higher too so that I wouldn't have to walk with all my weight. I was surprised by this guys strength! Holy shit, was he ever strong!

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