Chapter 22

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Alright. So of course, what do you think this chapters gonna be about...? :3 That's right, the party! (Deal with it, you got it right either way.) So, who's theme will it be this time...I have to thinik.

Anyways, I think the story is coming to it's closing soon...(which basically means 50 chapters later TT^TT) I'm thinking...around 30 chapters it'll be done. Just from the way it looks. But I'm not sure how to end it...any suggestions? How do you want it to end???

MUSIC:Drive By (Train)-Mark (I think this fits him because...well I find that it depicts him and Rin in a way *tehe*)



Walking down the street towards Gerry's house apparently, we could already hear the loud beat of music and people shouting already. Shivering as I remember bits and pieces of the last party I attended, I caught up with the groups pace as we headed towards the house that had beer cans littered on the ground. Mark reached over, squeezing my hand quick before letting go, a small sign of comfort. Sighing, I looked at the huge expanse of space that Gerry owned.

Apparently this mansion sized house was small, as he described. My house had nothing on his.

"Rin! Come on!" Rima shouted, waving her hand in the air as she grinned. Her cropped red dressed fitted her tightly, showing off her every curve, as did Rebecca's deep purple dress. Gerry gave her a thumbs up and she posed for him. What a silly couple. Nial gave me a thumbs up of encouragement.

"Coming, coming." Jogging to Rima's side, I patted her head so she wouldn't make us go back to the house if I ruffled it. "You're demanding woman." She growled, her smile obvious on her face still as we entered the house together, everyone else following in their own little groups. I knew there would be questions from everyone as they saw Rima and I entering the house together without murdering each other, plus the two newbies for them. There was a song playing, quite dark, but i knew what it was, and I loved it. Sarcasm by Get Scared. I lip synced a to myself, only moving my lips a little as I played the song myself in my mind. People still laughed, drank and screwed around with each other, but a lot of people were staring at us now.

Rima huffed, walking away. Sighing, I knew that she would want me to follow. Moving through the crowd which seemed to have parted for us, Mark and the others followed us as well. Rima ended up at the fridge, grabbing a drink of something I couldn't see as she held a beer in her left hand, taking a swig of whatever she held in the other. Noticing me, she passed me the beer.

This scene seemed familiar.

Simply accepting the beer, mark came along and I passed it him, smiling. Rima made a noise of disapproval. Mark took it gladly, opening it and drinking deeply as the next song started. Gangnum Style started to play and a few guys got together, attempting the dance as they were all drunk. One person successfully did it and it was hilarious.

Rima smirked, seeming impressed when she turned to me.

"Can you do that?" I scoffed, making an X with my arms.

"The hell I can." Rima giggled, handing me her drink as she reached up, kissing my cheek.

"I'll be back..." She whispered, trailing off as she left for the bathroom, swaying her hips and looking back at me. I shook my head and she stuck out her tongue, running off with some of her friends to fix herself up for some reason. I turned to mark, who was just staring at me, eyebrows cocked up.


"Dude, she's got a crush." Again, I scoffed at the unbelievable words.

"The hell she does...maybe." I pointed to Mark with one finger that held the cup, taking a drink of it. Mark's mouth twitched.

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