Chapter 8

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Sorry for not updating lately...I've been trying to catch up on my animes (being Rurouni kenshin and InuYasha, Pokemon, others on TV...) I'll try to find a pic for....Nial as a human. I TOTALY forgot about him on the last chapter *facepalm* and I don't wanna change it because you guys already read that last chapter. So here it is!~

PICTURE: Nial anime form

SONG: Kesha- Die young

Enjoy the chapter!~ MrsZeroKiryu


The dream I had was one I've experienced before. It was one where a whole whack of skeletons came to kill me, and my legs were immobile. Seems like every time I have a dream over and over, my consciousness knows what to do instead of something the first time I had the dream I ran into a room and only ended up cornering myself, but this time I knew to keep running. I was weird like that.

I've always been...unnatural? I don't know how to word it. It's just the fact that even being friends with someone was a shocker to my parents, so when I asked if I could have friends come over on the weekend, they nearly freaked.

"What did you say Rin?" Mother's mouth was gaping, I swear a fly could go down her throat and she wouldn't notice. Father's reaction was more calm and cool, but I know he was just as surprised as her. They looked between each other, passing words between their eyes before my Father opened his mouth to talk.

"Rin...which friends are you talking about?" He instantly made a huge grin appear on his face. It was obviously fake, but he seemed to pull it on well. I scratched the back of my head.

"Well, of course there would be Mark...then Nial. But I think that's about it." I sighed. "Originally I was gonna ask you something else, but I know you'd say no..." Their looks told me to go on. I sucked in a deep breath and spilled my words out as fast as I could to get it over with. "There's this party going on over at Derek's house and for some reason he invited me along with Mark and Nial and-"

"Yes." I blinked several times. My head tilted automatically in confusion.

"What? Yes to what?"

"Yes you are allowed to go to the party if you want." I stepped back quickly in confusion. Mother tsked and glared daggers at me. "What Rin? You think we wouldn't let you? We fooled around a lot when you and your father were young, we went to party's, we did...well, shit!" She flung her arms to her sides, bring them close to hug herself. "It's alright. You're growing up. You should go out more." Her smile widened. "Look, our sons growing up. Just remember that if you ever are leaving to go somewhere and we're not home, just leave a note on the counter or something, ok?"

"O-ok." I still couldn't believe it. My shoes were already near the door, so I put on the DC shoes and went to the phone. "I guess I'll be calling Nial right now then." Suddenly, Mother turned around and threw questions at me.

"Who is this Nial person anyway? Is he bad? Does he do drugs? How is he at school? Can we meet him?"I backed away with my hands in the air.

"Whoa whoa whoa mom. Ask him all these questions yourself cause first" -I pointed to the phone I held to my ear- "he's on the line and I'm talking to him." Mom flushed with embarrassment. Nial coughed on the other side of the line and I chuckled. "Sorry about that. So are you up to going to Derek's party?"

I heard him moving around. "Yeah, I'm free tonight." There was a small silence before he added, "Are you going to invite Mark too?"

"Look Nial, Mark got invited as well by Derek so we're going to have to hitch a ride with him-"

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