Chapter 5

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I know what you may be thinking. Yes, I'm supposed to be at school WHICH I'M NOT and I need to upload more. And maybe somethings about Nial's picture... I will make my peoples as weird and wacky as I like xD But if you ever have any suggestions, I'm open to them!

Next Picture: Nial, anime form! Hope you enjoy~



My head was thumping with the loud music everywhere. Little are so dead. Drunk people and the smell of vomit seemed to coat the walls with the sickening smell. I shivered. Damn hellhole is where I am... and to think I was going to relax at home with Mark tonight. Let me explain what happened earlier....


Classes were over, school was out, and I was left with Mark in the class room again. Nial didn't have Math with us, so I have no clue where he was. I didn't really want to look for him anyways. Mark sat silently, chewing on his pencil and staring at me. I wanted to strangle him. He looked so calm and peaceful where I was a train wreck on the inside. I told someone I was gay. I hadn't even told Mark or my family. I tsked and grabbed my bag, nearly ripping it to shreds when I tried to open it in the middle of my frustration.

"God damn thing won't open!" My teeth grinded against each other and I threw my bag to the floor, grasping my hair and pulling roughly. Mark didn't seem to either mind or care. "Fuck, fuck, fuck..." I slowly repeated the curse to myself. If Nial was so open about him being gay, would he tell everyone else? Did he already? Is that why I was getting strange looks a lot today after lunch? Mark's chair scrapped against the floor signalling he was out of his chair and his footsteps head towards me. He got on his knees beside me. Hehe, Mark got on his knees for me. I laughed to myself and covered my face. I was probably unconsciously crying or blushing or something. How embarrassing.

He took my hands in his and pulled mine away from my face. I frowned and shook my head, keeping it away from Mark so he couldn't see me. Why was I always so weak? Pathetic me.

"What's wrong?" His tone was bored, which pissed me off. I pulled my hands away with a growl and crossed them across my stomach and rested my head on the cool cement floor. I shook as I felt water coarse down my face. I knew it, I'm crying. Mark sighed. Well, isn't he calm. I hated myself for everything, for being weak, for telling Nial I was gay, for my hair color, everything. Mark rubbed my back as I tried to stay silent when I hiccuped. Mark chuckled softly and I sat up immediately and faced him, glaring daggers right into his eyes.

"What's so funny?" I practically hissed my words, but then I hiccuped again, making Mark laugh again. I whimpered and looked back at the floor, trying to collect myself. I'm such an idiot. I kind of swayed a bit. Some how that always helped.

Suddenly from behind, Mark hugged me and pulled me into his crossed legs.

I squirmed, my crying having been stopped and now I was blushing like crazy. I pushed Mark with all my strength, which was next to nothing, so his grasp was still tight. He looked straight ahead and held me by my waist, his arms locked around me. My cheek was against his chest and I wanted to either burrow my face into it so he couldn't see me, but then he'd know I'm gay, or run away, and he might get awkward to be around. I stopped squirming and decided to rest my cheek on his chest for good, not to move or anything.

"Uhh...Mark? What are you doing exactly...?" I let the question hang in the air. Mark just kept looking straight. Damn you Mark.

"Nothing. You're sad, so tell me why." I froze and shivered a little at Mark's warm breath tickling my ear. Lately I seemed to be very naughty. Bad Rin, I told myself. I glanced up at Mark, blushing a million different shades of red.

Please Don't Go (Yaoi)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora