EXTRA: Christmas special

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That's right peoples!~ This is gonna be a Christmas special!~ It'll be before Rin get's hurt, in case you're confused. I don't know how long this'll be and all though. I don't think I'll put up a picture this time though.....meh. It's as if everything is normal and such~

The song is a Christmas tree, don't play it now and wait!!!! I will say when to play it!~

Enjoy the chapter extra people!


As old as I was, I didn't give a fuck about how people were staring at me, dancing around the mall like an idiot and singing along with carolers and music from above on the speakers. It's Christmas!

There was a young group of carolers before me, some from school and some from cities or towns nearby. They all had huge smiles on their faces from watching my obviously amazing dancing talent. I smiled brightly back at one of the little girl's who had her head blond hair bobbing up and down from all the excitement. Her Mom gripped her hand tighter when I approached but I took her other one and placed one of the thousands of candy bags Imade. Trust me, all the candy in there was dilicious; I tested all the kinds before putting them into bags. She smiled up at my, eyes glowing with happiness as she looked over to her mom. She seemed calmer then when I first came up to them. I patted the young girls head, grinning widely and going back to my spot where I sang with my carolers. I liked the way all their voices blended to make one. Mine seemed to stand out though, seemed a bit to...loud and deep I guess.

I stepped out from their rows, whispering to their leader that i was only going to pass out candy not. He nodded, so I went off to hand out candy. I loved seeing everyones smiles, whether it was from me looking goofy with my red coat, black jeans, wearinf a long santa hat with a gigantic pom-pom, not to mention that I had a wrapped gift painted onto my cheek. I just finished talking to a little boy who wanted nothing more then a Hot Wheels car for Christmas when a firm hand clutched my shoulder. In surprise, I yelped, gathering little attention but it only turned out to be Derek from school. I gulped as I could feel heat leave my face.

"H-hi Derek...." I managed to blurt. He seemed unfazed but patted my shoulder.

"What'cha doin'?" I froze on the spot and tried to warm up to a child in front of me, but they seemed as scared as Derek as I was, stepping back from us like we had some type of contageous disease. I sighed, knowing I wouldn't get anywhere like this, so I turned to him and pulled up a happy smile.

"Giving candy to kids for Christmas but they're afraid of all this." I guestured to him and he looked down.

"But you just guestured to all of me...?" It came out a question and I smiled with fake innocence.

"Exactly, they're afraid of all of you. So, with that being said" -I stopped and waved to a girl passing by- "I ask that you either leave now or get done with whtever way you're palnning to embaress me." Derek seemed to think this over before shaking his head.

"I'm not here to screw around with you Harrison. Actually quite the opposite." He jerked his head towards where the choir of voices were ringing through the whole mall. "You were with them just awhile ago, right?" I mummbled and nodded before he continued. "Alright then, guess I'll have to go with this then." I heard him grummble and then take a handful of goodie bags from the box at my side. I gaped at him, nearly dropping the few bags I had in my hands.

"And just what the heck are you doing with my candy idiot!" I almost swore at him when a small girl, probably almost in her 10's, came up to us, taking one look behind me and almost cowering in fear before the unthinkable happened.

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