Chapter 7

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xD the first time i was trying to type this I was accidental making it a chapter of my other story and I was like OH CRAP. My Internet has sucked for awhile now and I won't be at home for a couple days so yeah...This may be short too. I was looking for a picture for Derek today....and all the sudden on the screen Justin Beiber popped up. That would be weird for Derek to be Justin Beiber lol.

PICTURE: Derek anime form (Only anime because the human picture isn't working)



Lunch wasn't seemed to come late around 11:45 am for us  high school people. It always seemed to be there, but it never happened. I had stared at tho clock for maybe 15 minutes before it finally rang and I jumped up and left the room first. I didn't like that room, it always seemed to be crowed too. Tense almost.

I dashed almost into the cafeteria, eager to eat and get this over with. I wasn't as hungry as I was pissed and nervous. Would Nial tell Mark my secret, and then everything I had ever done would be broken? least that's as best my mind could sum it up to. I grabbed a tray, placed pizza, chocolate pudding and an apple on it, and paying the lady I left to find a good seat. I was surprised when a few people offered seats to me, but I simply smiled and waved them off. I almost had a heart attack though when Melissa stood up after seeing me and stomped right over to me, planting her feet right on top of mine so she could seem taller. Either that or to hurt me. I gulped.

"Rin...what are you up to?" I swallowed again and licked my lips and just stared into her eyes.

"What? What do you mean by that?"

"I mean, why do you suddenly have everyone's attention?" She huffed and stomped on my foot before stepping off and placing her hands on her hips and frowning. "I don't see what's so special about you." A couple people had stopped to listen, one of the few being Mark. I didn't make eye contact or anything, I could just feel his presence as well as see him in the corner of my eye. My face went from blank to an instant smile, one because I was trying not to laugh little at my next words and two, because I knew what would be Melissa's reaction would be.

"Maybe because I'm not the self centered bitch everyone has slept with." I did a little wave as I turned and went to sit down at an empty table. I heard the few people snikering, those who were listening, and I knew that word would go around quick. Soon after sitting Mark joined me and he just watched me carefully, eyes narrowed. I glanced up at him and raised my eyebrow.

"What?" He didn't seem drunk, or was he having a hangover or something? Sure looked like he did.

"Are you really my best friend?" I chuckled. "You're not acting like him." He looked me up and down and without his eyes leaving mine, he reached down, grabbed his burger and took a huge bite out of it. I couldn't help but giggle a bit. I love this side of Mark, questioning and confused, like as if a child wondering how to tell time, or some huge mathematical question. I especially liked how all his attention was directed at me, not anything else in this room.

"Yes Mark, I am the almighty Rin, and I am one sexy unicorn." I began to dig into my food as Mark nearly choked at my words. He thumped on his chest a few times and coughed a little before looking at me in the eyes again. I raised my eyebrow. "You ok?"

"The-" He began coughing again but soon stopped. "-the almighty Rin? Sexy Unicorn? Where do you come up with this on-sense shit?" He wiped his mouth, trying to analyze my every move. My hand swayed to the left, his eyes followed them left. An attempted fail at trying not to laugh got me nowhere as Mark looked at me funny again. I thumped my fist lightly against the table, swallowing what food was left in my mouth and pointing at him weirdly, making little circles.

"Yes, I am one sexy unicorn. Got a problem?" I knew it sounded weird. Come on, who calls themselves a unicorn. I already knew I was hot, so it made no difference to me, but this was Mark's first hearing of it. What happened next nearly made me choke on my food.

Nial, as straight forward and honest as ever, marched right up to us and sat nearly on my lap, but was actually sitting beside me, keeping half my ass off the edge.

Mark sputtered his juice, looking between us two and finally rested his eyes on my wearily. The look that his eyes carried to mine showed he was more then uncomfortable with Nial here; in fact he looked almost terrified from the guys presence. Nial had sat so he was facing me directly when his body, moving like a statue, turned to face normally on the small chair in front of the small table. Damn, he looked so freaking intimidating right now! Hell, if I didn't know any better I'd be like Mark right now, eager to get away and find another place to sit. I shoved Nial, moving him over as his mouth twitched into a small confused smile.

"God, can't give me any space can you guys?" I slid back onto the seat, chomping down onto my food once again, gazing boredly at the cold lunch. Sighing, I dropped everything in my hands back onto the plate and threw it out. Nial and Mark had locked intense eyes while I was gone so I snapped my fingers in front of them. "Yo, earth to bioches..." Their eyes never left each others. "YO. HE-Y THERE WAKE UP!" My voice was firm and clear as I stretched out they hey, not yelling but really close considering how annoyed I was getting.

Unexpectedly, Mark rose as fast as lighting streaking the sky and threw his plate of mashed potatoes into Nial's face. Bull's eye. The plate slid on his face and plopped onto his lap, leaving the white potatoes everywhere on his upper body. Attention was fully on these two men as everyone in the room stared in surprise and anticipation. Nial laughed, as if to say Oh dude, you went WAY to far and picked up his small bowl of pudding. Mark growled.

"You wouldn't. You don't have the guts to-!" Poff. The pudding hit around his belly button, and he stumbled back in surprise and probably how hard the glass bowl was. It clattered to the ground and shattered into bigger shards. They glared, eyes narrowed and angered. I nearly gasped.

Oh no I know how this is going to-

"Food fight!" Someone screamed, and that's all it took to get the quiet crowd into an uproar of laughter and angered yells.

 I ducked as the cafeteria's lunch, cakes and goodies flew into the air. The soft cream of a whoopee pie splatted across the left side of my face, and I ughed in disgusted. I was through with all this shit for today. Struggling to weave through the crowds, my feet managed to take me around the room and into the small hallway leading to the office, which (do I have to mention?) teachers were running out of to see the commotion. They'd know what's going on after a pie splats them in the face. I chuckled softly as their hurried footsteps carried on past me. Teachers whizzed by, not even noticing me or bothering to ask me any questions about what was going on.

That's when I realized something. As a teacher ran past me, I stood n front of them, but they simply knocked me over, not even bothering to say sorry. On the floor, my head had bounced harshly against the pavement. My voice erupted in a low growl.

"Watch where you're going fatty!" I called, then immediately shut my mouth after realizing how rude that was of me. Rin...RIN calm down..calm. You are calm. I stood, my legs wobbling as I steadied myself against the lockers to my side. I leaned against them. Why was I acting like this? This wasn't like me at all. I was invisible to teachers, I was yelling rude comments to everyone,. I was being more...carefree.

UGH. What else is gonna change for the worse?



I've been busy with personal stuff, homework, catching up to animes, talking on other sites with people, school, parade (christmas) etc. Plus I'm trying to finish up drawing this manga I'm making. The thing that complicates everything is that I keep switching my drawing style 0-0

I don't thnk I'll be uploading soon, I need to finish my freaking Rurouni kenshin episodes! I've had the episodes for like...a year now and I STILL haven't finished them because I've been busy and started other animes *facepalm*

Please Don't Go (Yaoi)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu