Chapter 15

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Hey everyone, Imma back! I hope to update faster now that I've finished my story for school. I'm hoping to post it, so please look for it! It's called The Humonculous but please don't miss it up with FullMetal Alchemist if you even know what it is! I just really like how the word sounds... but yeah! It's like a sci-fi short story that I would have done completely different if i hadn't needed to finish it, edit and type within one week QAQ

Anyways I guess you could call this...a part 2? As in a couple years after...I don't know, we'll see! Thanks for reading this far! Comment your thoughts, vote for Mark, Nial and Rin's awesomeness!

Hope you'll forgive the wait!



Walking down the paved road, I made my way to the mail box, the red pole up and signalling for me to come and collect the mail inside. Putting down the pole, I opened to small green box to reveal fliers and bills; not very interesting considering all the mail I could be getting from my friends. I walked back into the duplex that was my aunts home- I mean my new home -to put the mail on the counter for her to read later.

It had been about two years since I came to live here, the only downside was one thing: I had no contact whatsoever with Nial or Mark. It took me awhile this morning to even remember their names and faces. I hate that I can't remember their voices, rough but kind, stern but cheerful. Aunty said I could stay here for as long as I needed, even after school, which I had just finished up with. Mark and Nial would both be done with it as well, Derek probably having to redo tests. Haha, serves him right... I sighed, realizing I couldn't even remember anything about the guy but his name and rude attitude.

The house, as huge as it was, looked as beautiful on the inside as it did on the inside. Pillars held up an all-around porch that circled the house, level with the second floor. Lawn chairs were placed neatly around for small group parties for Aunty's business, as were a few glass tables, the huge umbrellas that shaded the space completing the image. Inside, marble counters and a gigantic fridge made up almost all of the kitchen. The leather couch was expensive, as was the flat screen TV that almost consumed one wall. It was great for watching a lot of my favorite shows, and the surround sound speakers placed all over in the living room really took special effects and how the characters were talking to the max.

Being almost noon, I didn't have any classes for the next few months. Summer break started just a few days it sad that I was bored already?


Aunty came home from work a few hours later, making it a little past 3 o'clock. She came in grinning like a mad woman, eyes widened as her black-dyed hair trailed behind her. She undone the first few buttons on her tailored suit, coming over and hugging me tightly.

"Hey there kiddo! How're you?" She giggled with excitement. She was probably happy after seeing her new boyfriend...she's had way to many to count from the time I started living here.

"Not bad, bored though..." I hugged her back tight;y, letting go and attempting to step back. After a few seconds, she let me go, putting me at arms length, that sweet smile still plastered on her face. I raised my eyebrow in a silent question.

"Now now Rin..." She tapped my chin, swiveled around, walking away slowly, her feet coming in front of her as if she was walking on a tightrope. It was obvious she was hiding something. Groaning, I walked up to her, hugging her from behind in a comfortable way, but she wouldn't be able to move.

"Tell me!" I groaned, wanting her to spill whatever great news she had. (Ahem...note sarcasm. I never really found any 'secret' she had exciting.) Aunty let her head rest against my shoulder before she started to wriggle around in my arms. I tightened my grip. "Spill."

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