Interview with a Hamster

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Chapter 15


He stood up from his desk and stretched as his laptop shut off, looking at his watch he saw it had been forty-five minutes since Hyungwon and Hoseok had left.

As he packed his bag his thoughts went back to the interaction he had just seen between his childhood friend and roommate.

He had known Hyungwon ever since they were born, even before if you counted their mothers being friends, throughout those years he had seen Hyungwon grow into his skin. He had always been a beautiful child and when he became older he had received a lot of attention, from girls and boys, but Hyungwon had a bad falling out with his parents when he was fifteen that quite frankly affected Hyungwon and his self-confidence too much.

But it was nice seeing Hyungwon be comfortable around someone that wasn't himself, Hoseok had that effect on people, though he worried that there would start to be something else between them.

Not that he doubted Hoseok, but the man had a record of flings and not wanting compromise in his relationships. He couldn't count the times someone came to their apartment to bang angrily at the door after he broke up with them. Hoseok just didn't have it in him to commit to a serious relationship; he had always thought that he was an amazing friend but not the best partner.

Hyungwon on the other hand had never had a formal relationship, only people he would hang out with often, but none of them stayed. He never really knew why, he only knew it had something to do with Hyungwon's music career and maybe something else but he wouldn't know unless Hyungwon told him. Hence why Hyungwon had completely separated his personal and work life.

He looked at his watch one more time and exited his office, not bothering with locking it, he walked over to the elevator and pushed the down button.

As the elevator made its way up he suddenly remembered he was going to see the new vocal teacher he had hired last week. He felt a slight fluttering in his stomach, something very rare for him, maybe it was because this person had made a very strong first impression though it hadn't necessarily been a good one.

——— Ten days ago———

He was on his computer finishing up an email when the phone on his desk rang, he picked it up and continued typing, "Hey boss, the first applicant is ready for the interview."

"Ren, please stop calling me boss, Shownu is okay and please send them up."

He hung up, sent the email he had finished, and proceeded to pull up the email with this certain applicant's curriculum. It had been almost a month since his last vocal teacher had left on maternity leave and it had been a long screening process before getting the final applicants to their in-person interview.

Despite how laid back everyone thought he was, he took his studio very seriously; he would never settle when it came to a teacher and this time was no different.  So after two weeks of hard filters, it was finally time to interview his hopefuls.

As he started reading the curriculum a knock sounded on his door. 

"Come in," he said and watched as the door opened to reveal his first applicant.

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